一、保险 1. He is a holder of an insurance policy. 他是保险单持有人。 2. How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance? 保险责任起止期限是多长? 3. Insurance companies insured ships and their cargoes against loss at sea. 保险公司为船舶和船货承保了海损险。 4. Mr. Rodman is the most heavily insured man in the world, carrying $4,000,000 insurance on his life. 罗德曼先生是世界上投保最多的人,为自己投了4,000.000 美元的人寿险。 5. One kind of insurance policy is the one that covers a named person. 有一种保险单是记名保险单。 6. Parties to an insurance contract are required to exercise the utmost good faith and disclose all relevant matters to each other. 保险合同双方当事人都应该尽到最大的善意并且想到披露所有的相关事实。 7. The coverage is written in the basic form and clauses. 保险范围写在基本保险单和各种险别条款里。 8. What cover will you take out? 你们准备投保那些险别? 9. What do your insurance clauses cover? 你们的保险条款规定了那些险种? 10. Who will pay the premium for WPA? 水渍险费用由谁负担?
二、不动产(Real property) 1.A man may claim that the owns land by inheritance or purchase from some other person. 一个人可能会声称他是通过继承或从其他人处购买而拥有土地的。 2. Land is referred to as realty. 土地被除数称为不动产。 3. Land may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means. 土地不得买卖,出租,抵押或者以其他形式非法转让。 4. Land, the main source of wealth, is by the very nature of things treated differently from other kinds of property. 土地是主要的财富渊源,按照物的本质区分有别于其他类别的财产。 5. Permission for any change in the use of the land owned has to be obtained from the local planning authorities. 变更大对拥有土地的使用必须经地方规划当局批准。 6. Property may be classified into real property and personal property. 财产可分为不动产和动产两类。 7. Real property is both a bundle of legal rights and certain physical objects. 不动产包括大量法定权益和某些有形物。 8. Real property is land and things immovably attached to the land. 不动产指的是土地及土地上附着物。 9. The ownership of land grew out of possession. 土地所有权源于占有。 10. Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner's title to land is destroyed. 如果一个擅自战用者被遗弃土地并连续不受干涉地占用12年,原土地所有人的产权将消灭。
三、财产负担(Encumbrance) 1. A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity. 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益。 2. A lien against the property is granted to secure an obligation. 准予对财产拥有留置权以保证义务之履行。 3. A pledge is something more that a mere lien and something less than a mortgage. 质押的性质超过纯粹留置,但却比不上按揭。 4. After the court imposed the lien, it usually issues a writ directing the sheriff to seize the property. 当法庭判定留置权后,其通常签发一令状,指示司法行政官扣押该财产。 5. If the purpose of the transaction is to transfer property for security only, then the courts will hold the transaction a pledge. 如果交易之目的只是因为担保而转让财产,法院将裁定此种交易是一种质押行为。 6. It is a charge on land. 此是土地的抵押。 7. He decided to redeem the pledge. 他决定赎回质押物。 8. Mineral rights are not mortgageable in this jurisdiction. 在该司法管辖区,矿业权益不能用作按揭抵押。 9. Mortgage is a security interest in real property. 按揭是不动产的一种物权担保。 10. The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor. 其财产被按揭抵押的债务人被称为抵押人。
四、传票(Process) 1. Address of service of process shall be included in the Articles of Association. <公司组织大纲>中应包括有传票送达地址。 2. Alias summons is a subsequent summons issued to replace one that could not be served or otherwise failed. 第二传票是取代因无法送达或因其他原因失效的传票之传票。 3. Smith was subpoenaed as a witness to appear in the circuit court. 史密斯被传唤为证人在巡回法院出庭。 4. Summons is a written notification that one is required to appear in court. 传票是一种要求某人出庭的书面通知。 5. The bailiff was in charge of issuing a summons on the plaintiff. 法庭执达官负责向被告签发传票。 6. The court served a summons on him. 法院向他送达了传票。 7. The summons was withdrawn. 传票被撤销。 8. The witnesses were subpoenaed to attend the trial. 用传票传唤证人参加审判。 9. The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiff's claim. 传票上详细批注了原告的主张。 10. They were accused of demanding payment with threats. 他们被指控用威胁方式提出付款要求。
五、法官(Judge) 1. A good judge can extend the boundary of justice. 优秀的法官能够拓展正义的疆界。 2. A judge cannot be witness in his own cause. 法官不得在其受理的案件中当证人。 3. A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself. 法官不得对使自己蒙受的过错进行惩处。 4. A judge incurs no civil liability for judicial acts, even if guilty of fraud and corruption. 法官不得因其司法行为而承担民事责任,即使犯有诈欺与贪污罪。 5. An upright judge has more regard to justice than to me. 法官能公正,重法不重人。 6. If the judge departs from the sentencing guideline range he must have a lawful reason for such a departure. 法官必须有合法的理由方可偏离根据判刑准则所确定的量刑范围。 7. Judges shall handle cases impartially and in accordance with the law. 法官应当依法秉公办案。 8. Most disputes that arise in any society are not handled through the court system. 社会的大多数争议并非都要通过法院体系解决。 9. No one can be at once suitor and judge. 起诉者不得兼为法官。 10. No one can be judge in his own case. 任何人不能审判自己的案件。 11. Sentencing is at the discretion of the judge. 量刑由法官自由裁定。 12. The chairman of the tribunal asked to see all the facts on the income tax claim. 审判长要求考虑所有有关所得税主张的事实。 13. The judge was appointed to sit in a special case. 该法官被任命审理一个特别案件。 14. The magistrates committed her for trial at the Crown Court. 治安法官将她带到巡回刑事法庭受审。 15. The judge accepted the defendant's undertaking not to harass the plaintiff. 法官认可了被告不去骚扰原告的承诺。 16. The judge decided in favor of plaintiff. 法官判原告胜诉。 17. The judge disallowed the defense evidence. 法官没有采信辩方证据。 18. The judge exceeded his powers in criticizing the court of appeal. 法官越权对上诉法院进行批评。 19. The judge found that the plaintiff's pleadings disclosed no cause of action. 法官裁定原告诉状没有说明诉因。 20. The judge heard the case in chamber. 法官不公司审理该案。 21. The judge must not hear the evidence or the representations from one side behind the back of the other. 法官不得背着一方当事人去听取另一方的证据或陈述。 22. The judge ordered the actions to be consolidated. 法官命令将诉讼合并审理。 23. The judge refused the application, on the ground that he had a judicial discretion to examine inadmissible evidence. 法官拒绝了申请,根据是他有审理不被采信证据的司法裁量权。 24. The judge revised his earlier decision not to consider a submission from defense counsel. 法官修正了他早先不考虑被告方律师意见的决定。 25. The judge warned counsel not to prompt the witness. 法官告诫律师不得诱导证人。 26. The judge was of the opinion that if the evidence was doubtful the claim should be dismissed. 法官认为,如果证据有疑,应不驳回主张。 27. The justices were ordered to rehear the information. 法官被命令重新审理起诉。 28. The Lord Justice said he was not laying down guideline for sentencing. 方法官说他现在没有制定判刑的标准。 29. The judge consented to the request of the prosecution counsel. 法官同意控方律师的请求。 30. The practice of the judge is the interpreter of law. 法官的通常工作是解释法律。
六、法理(Jurisprudence) 1. A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to a prior command. 事后假追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。 2. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 绝对权力绝对腐败。 3. Fairness and justice in a jurisdiction are realized case by case being settled properly. 司法的公平和正义是通过案件逐一得到妥善解决予以实现的。 4. Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself. 多行不义必自毙。 5. Good order in the foundation of all things. 良好的秩序是一切之基础。 6. Ignorance of law excuses no one. 不知法不能成为任何人逃避法律的借口。 7. In a healthy legal system the values of order and justice are not normally at cross-purposes. 在健全的法律制度下,秩序与正义这两个价值一般不会冲突。 8. In doubt, the milder course is to be followed. 遇到疑义时应遵循从宽原则。 9. Infancy is shield, not a sword. 未成年可作为抗辩之理由,但不能作为攻击之借口。 10. It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the urle of law in China's justice reforms. 以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。 11. It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill. 与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。 12. Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done. 正义不仅应得到实现,而且还应以人们看得见的方式得到实现。 13. Let right be done, though the heavens fall. 秉公办事,何惧天塌下来。 14. Like reason makes like law. 看似的理由导致相似的规则。 15. No man should benefit from his own injustice. 没有人应当从自已的过错中获益。 16. Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law. 法律制定者比谁都更具有守法之神圣义务。 17. She who comes to equity must come with clean hands. 自身清白方能获得衡平救济。 18. State ways cannot change folkways. 国家手段不能改变社会习俗。 19. Suppression of the truth is the expression of what is false. 抑压真相,犹如作伪。 20. The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards. 自由的历史在很大程度上是遵守程序保障条款的历史。 21. The place governs the act. 场所支配行为。 22. The rules must not be constantly changing. 规则不得朝令夕改。 23. The same transaction may give rise to both a civil and a criminal action. 同一活动可能导致民事和刑事诉讼。 24. The spoken word flies; the written word remains. 口说无凭,立此为证。 25. Though few are punished, the fear of punishment affects all. 惩一儆白。 26. Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment. 真相无所惧,惟怕被隐瞒。 27. We must follow a strict interpretation of the rules. 我们必须对规则严格解释。 28. Who pardons the bad, injures the good. 宽恕坏人必伤及好人。 29. Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words. 没有司法审查,法定权限将只是一句空话。 30. Wrong laws make short government. 法制不健全,统治也短命。
七、法律(Law) 1. A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one. 后法优于前法。 2. Arms and laws do not flourish together. 武力与法律不有同时兴盛。
3. Consent makes law. 合意产生法律。 4. Custom has the force of law. 民俗具有法律效力。 5. Customs, religions and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws 风俗、宗教和哲学常是一个国家法律构成之基础。 6. Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts. 衡平法是对普通法律规则中瑕疵部分的矫正。 7. Except as otherwise provided by law. 法律另有规定的除外。 8. Every law has a loop hole. 凡是法律皆有漏洞。 9. Every law has no atom of strength, as far as no public opinion supports in. 若无公众舆论支持,法律是没有丝毫力量的。 10. In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. 在文明社会,法律依靠道德所支撑。 11. It can hardly be taken to be a guarantee that every law shall treet every person the same. 不能保证每一部法律都能平等地对待每一个人。 12. Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it. 没有威慑力的法律绝对不会具有效力。 13. Law does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform. 法律不能强迫人去做不可为之事。 14. Law governs man, reason the law. 法律管人,理性管法律。 15. Law is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us. 法律在社会生活中无处不在,深该地影响眷我们。 16. Law is an exercise in communication between authority and the public. 法律是当权者与大众之间进行交流的一种运作方式。
17. Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good. 法律是维护公众利益的理性条令。 18. Law is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth. 法律是全体公民一致同意所决定的意见之表达。 19. Law is both an instrument of change and a result of changes. 法律是变革的工具又是诸多变革的结果。 20. Law is established for the benefit of man. 法律是人类利益而制定的。 21. Law is law, just or not. 无论正义与否,法律就是法律。 22. Law is mind without reason. 法律是无由的理念。 23. Law is order, and good law is good order. 法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。 24. Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society. 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。 25. Law is the science of what is good and just. 法乃善良公平之道。 26. Law must be stable and it cannot stand still. 法律必须保持稳定但却不能一成不变。 27. Law that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain. 有瑕疵的法律胜于不确定的法律。 28. Laws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything. 法律旨在防止强者滥用权力为所欲为。 29. Laws are gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed. 法律过于温和难于遵守;过于严酷则难于执行。 30. No, crime without law making it so; no penalty without law making it so. 法无明文规定者不为罪,法无明文规定者不处罚。 31. No one is above the law. 任何人不能凌驾于法律之上。 32. One with the law is a majority. 谁拥有法律,谁就是大多数。 33. Scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all; but if it benefits the majority it is useful. 法律难顾及全民,于大众有利已足。 34. Substantial law defined rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced. 实体法界定权利,程序法则制定保护和实施权利的程序。 35. The definition of law depends on how we look at its purposes or functions. 法律的定义取决于我们如何看它的目的或功能。 36. The end of law is not abolished or restrained, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. 法律的目的不是废除或约束而是维护并扩大自由。 37. The first of all laws is to respect the laws. 尊重法律是最首要的法律。 38. The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law. 法律不能使人人平等,但在法律面前人人是平等的。 39. The law does not concern itself about family trifles. 法律难断家务事。 40. The law holds no man responsible for the act of god. 法律规定人毋为天灾人负责。 41. The law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life. 法乃吾人道德生活之见证人和外壳。 42. The law never suffers anything contrary to turn. 法律习决不容忍违反真理的事情。 43. The law often allows what honor forbids. 法律允许的而道德上常常禁止。 44. The law on libel is considered too lenient. 反诽谤法被认为太宽大了。 45. The law protects citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their liberty by another. 法律护市民不被他人非法剥夺自由。 46. The law was made for man and not man for the law. 法是为人而制定的,人不是不法而生就的。 47. The law will catch up with him in the end. 最后法律饶不了他。 48. The legal source of the privilege varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. 特权的法律渊源因管辖区的不同而异常。 49. The more laws, the more offences. 法律越多,违法者越多。 50. The new regulations will come into force on January 1st. 新规定将于1月1日生效。 51. The powers and duties are conferred on the tribunal by the statutory code. 成文法典赋于法庭权力与责任。 52. The reason of the law ceasing, the law itself ceases. 法律理由消失,法律本身也不存在。 53. The safety of the people is the supreme law. 人民的安全是最高的法律。 54. The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice. 最严厉的法律有时会变成最大的不公。 55. This document is legally binding. 该文件具有法律的约束力。 56. This law is in abeyance. 此法暂缓执行。 57. This law has become a dead letter. 此法已成为一纸空文。 58. This law will go into effect on the day if its promulgation. 本法自公布之日起施行。 59. Where law ends, tyranny begins. 法律的终点便是暴政的起点。 60 .Where there are uncertainties, there are no laws. 法律必须具有确定性。
八、法院(Court) 1. A judicial forum has nothing to do with what is not before it. 法院不能主动寻找案件。 2. The court found the accused guilty on all charges. 法庭裁决被告犯有所有被指控的罪行。 3. The court has made an order for specific performance. 法院已经做出强制履行裁定。 4. The court ordered the company's funds to be seized. 法院命令没收公司资金。 5. The court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman. 法庭对警察死因不明的裁决作了记录。 6. The court returned a verdict of death by misadventure. 法院裁定为意外事故死亡。 7. She was acting on the authority of the court. 她按法院给她的权力做事。 8. Six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect. 六周后法院命令才生效。 9. The court asked for details of the background to the case. 法院要求了解案件详细的背景情况。 10. The court asked the accused to show good cause why the should not be sent to prison. 法院让被告拿出他不应该被监禁的充足的理由。 11. The court dismissed the action. 法院驳回诉松。 12. The court extended the defendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days. 法院把被告送交答辩状的时间延长了14天。 13. The court followed the precedent set in 1926. 该法庭遵循1926年的先例。 14. The court granted the company a two-week stay of execution. 法院准予公司延缓两同执行。 15. The court heard evidence from a fingerprint expert. 法院听取了指纹专家的证词。 16. The court held that there was no to answer. 法院裁定无案件事实可辩。 17. The court is not competent to try the case. 该法院无权审理该案件。
18. The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court. 在司法复审后,该法院命令调取案卷,撤销了少年法院的裁决. 19. The court ordered the bailiffs to saize his property because he has not paid his fine. 法院命令执行法官扣押他的财产,因为他没交纳罚款。 20. The court ordered the case to be retried. 法院命令重审此案。 21. The court's opinion was that the case should be heard inter parties as soon as possible. 法院的意见是该案应在双方当事人在场的情况下尽快审理. 22. The court recorded a plea of not guilty. 法院对无罪抗辩作了记载。 23. The court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal. 法院持有这样的观点,即被告的答辩是模棱两可的。 24. The court will decide on the admissibility of the evidence. 法庭将对证据的可采性进行裁决。 25. The Crown Court directed the justices to rehear the case. 刑事法院命令治安官重新审理该案。 26. The decision of the court runs counter to the advice of the clerk to the justice. 法庭的裁决与法官书记官的意见相悖。 27. The granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court. 强制令的签发的属于法院的自由裁量权。 28. The tribunal decided against awarding any damages. 法庭裁决不予任何损害赔偿。 29. The tribunal should act in good faith. 法庭必须公正执法。 30. The tribunal's ruling has established a precedent. 法庭的裁决确立了一个先例。
九、犯罪(Offense) 1. A crime is a behavior within the definition of the provisions of the criminal law and should be subject to criminal penalty. 犯罪是刑法规定范畴的应应承担刑事责任的行为。 2. A crime is the behavior that is harmful to the society and should be punished with criminal penalty. 犯罪是具有社会危害性应当受到刑罚处罚的行为。 3. A sin takes in everything done,said and willed against right reason. 罪包含所有违背正确理性的行为、言词和意志。 4. A witness's credibility noticeably diminishes as the enormity of the crime or the unlikeliness of its circumstances increase. 罪行越严重,情节越是难以置信的,证据的尺度越应严格。 5. An act does not make a person guilty of a crime unless the mind is also guilty. 没有主观过错的行为不会令人行为人有责。 6. An intoxicated person who commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility. 醉酒者犯罪应负刑事责任。 7. By selling alcohol to minors, the shop is deliberately flouting the law. 向未成年人出售烈性酒,是商店故意犯罪。 8. Criminal responsibility is to be borne for negligent crimes only when the law so provides. 过失犯罪,法律有规定的才负刑事责任。 9. Criminals responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes. 故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。 10. Criminal are sick; they should be patients, not prisoners. 罪犯都是病态的,他们应该是病人,而不是囚犯。 11. Everyone is held to be innocent until he is proved guilty. 凡不能被证明有罪者均是无辜的。 12. Facility of pardon is an incentive to crime. 轻易赦免罪过,实际是鼓励犯罪。 13. Giving the killer what he deserves. 予杀人者以应得之罪。 14. Hate the sin but not the sinner. 可恨的是罪行而非罪人。 15. He carried out a felonious act. 他犯了重罪。 16. He confessed to the crime during his interrogation. 在讯问中他供认了犯罪。 17. He denied being in the house at the time of the murder. 他否认当谋杀发生时他在住宅内。 18. He pleads not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter. 他承认犯有非预谋杀人罪而非谋杀罪。 19. He tried to establish his innocence. 他试图确定自已无罪。 20. He turned over a new leaf. 他洗心革面,重新做人。 21. He was accused of murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。 22. He was arrested for disorderly conduct in the street. 他因在街在有妨害治安行为而被捕。 23. He was arrested on suspicion of being an accessory to the crime. 他因涉嫌同谋犯罪被捕。 24. He was brought to court and charged with rape. 他被带到法庭并被指控犯有强奸罪。 25. He was charged with trafficking in drugs. 他被指控非法习卖毒品。 26. He was cleared of all charges. 他被洗去所有指控罪名。 27. He was found guilty by the court-martial and sentenced to imprisonment. 军事法庭判他有罪并判他坐牢。 28. He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. 他被判严重玩忽职守。 29. He was indicted for murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。 30. He was prosecuted for embezzlement. 他被指控犯罪侵占信托财产。 31. He was sent to prison for six months for embezzlement. 他因侵占资产被监六个月。 32. Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people. 对犯罪的仁慈是对人民的残忍。 33. Repetition of a libel is an offence. 重复诽谤是一种犯罪行为。 34. Sexual intercourse with a girl under sixteen is an offence. 与16岁以下的女孩性交是一种犯罪行为. 35. She was sent to prison for blackmail. 因犯有敲诈罪她被送进监狱。 36. The crime was premeditated. 犯罪是预谋好的。 37. The company was guilty of evading the VAT regulations. 该公司犯有逃避增值税规定罪。 38. The suspects were placed in detention. 嫌疑犯被拘留。 39. The suspect was apprehended at the scene of the crime. 嫌疑犯在犯罪现场被捕。 40. The theft comes into the category of petty crime. 偷窃属于轻罪。
十、公民权利(Citizens' right) 1. An equal has no dominion over another equal. 平等者之间无支配权可言。 2. Any law that violates the indefeasible rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical. 凡违犯罪基本人权的法律都是无理和专制的。 3. Citizens shall the right of inheritance under the law. 公民依法享有财产继承权。 4. Each man has his own right proper to him and he is forbidden to violate the rights of others. 每个人都有自固有的权利,任何人不得侵犯他人的权利。 5. Everyone has right to freedom of expression. 每个人都享有言论自由。 6. Everyone is equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等。 7. Everyone's right to life shall be protected by law. 每个人的生命权利都应受法律保护。 8. First in time, first in right. 先在权利优先。 9. He has no authorization to act on our behalf. 他没有代表我们做事的授权。 10. He has a legitimate claim to the property. 他是此财产的合法主张人。 11. No remedies no rights. 无救济无权利。
12. No rights can rest on one person without a corresponding duty resting on some other person or persons. 没有无义务的权利。 13. No rights pass without physical delivery. 无实物交付便无权利转移。 14. The transfer of a right requires the will of the recipient as well as of the transferee. 权利的转让既要求有接受者的意志,也要求有转让者的意志。 15. The very essence of civil liberty consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws whenever he suffers an injury. 公民自由的精髓在于一旦受到伤害,每个公民都有请求法律保护的权利。 16. The violation of such an interest is a legal wrong and gives rise to a legal right. 侵犯此种权益就是违法过错并导致法律权利的产生。 17. This right does not obtain in judicial proceedings. 该权利无法通过司法程序得到。 18. There are certain rights, sometimes called imperfect rights, which the law recognizes but will not enforce directly. 某些权利有时被称为不完全权利,它们为法律所认可但却不能直接予以执行。 19. Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit. 自由是指在法律范围内行为的权利。 20. Right is an enforceable claim to performance, action or forbearance by another. 权利是一种可要求他人履行,作为或不作为的可予以强制执行的主张。
十一、公司法(Company law) 1. A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company. 公司董事应对公司负责受托人责任。 2. A company is regarded by the law as a person: an artificial person. 公司被法律规为“人”,一个拟制人。
3. An enterprise as a legal person shall conduct operations within the range approved and registered. 企业法人应当在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。 4. He is director appointed under the articles of the company. 他是一名按公司章程任命的董事。 5. Prior to application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and all shares must be subscribed. 在申请登记注册前,在公司章程中必须载明股本额,并且所有股份必须认购完毕。 6. The chairman was personally liable for the company's debts. 董事长对公司债务承担个人责任。 7. The company has complied with the court order. 公司遵守了法院的命令。 8. The company has fulfilled all the terms of the agreement. 公司已经履行了全部协议中的条款。 9. The company intends to sue for damages. 公司打算提起索赔之诉。 10. The company is controlled by the majority shareholder. 该公司受控股股东的控制。 11. The company is presumed to be still solvent. 公司被推定仍有偿还能力。 12. The company is resisting the takeover bid. 该公司正在抵制以接管为目的的高价征购股份。 13. The company's action was completely legal. 公司的行为完全合法。 14. The domicile of a legal person or other organization is at the place of its principal business establishment. 法人和其他非法人组织以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。 15. The legal adviser recommended applying for an injunction against the directors of the company. 法律顾问建议申请针对公司董事会的强制令。 16. The major methods used to reconstitute the company are acquisition of companies and merging. 公司重组的方式有公司收购和公司兼并。 17. The profits and losses of the equity joint venture shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions of the registered capital. 合资企业各方应按其出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润及亏损. 18. The resolution was invalid because the shareholder's meeting was not quorate. 因股东大会不够法定人数,故该决议无效。 19. The right to vote at shareholder's meetings for the election of directors shall be observed. 应该遵守股东大会上投票选举董事的表决权。 20. The two companies have merged. 两个公司已经兼并。
十二、管辖权(Jurisdiction) 1. It is a principle of first importance that federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction. 联邦法院是有限管辖权法院,这是首要原则。 2. Jurisdiction determines which court system should properly adjudicate a case. 什么法院体系适合审判某一案件应由管辖权决定。 3. Questions of jurisdiction also arise regarding quasi-judicial bodies, such as administrative agencies. 准司法机构,如行政机构等也会出现管辖权问题。 4. The case falls within the competence of the court. 该案在这个法院的管辖权范围内。 5. The choice of jurisdiction of a court by agreement shall not violate the provisions of exclusive jurisdiction under the law. 协议选择的法院管辖不得违反法律关于专属管辖的规定。
6. The court held that exercise of personal jurisdiction must meet the requirements of due process. 法院裁定行使人身管辖权必须符合正当程序要件。 7. The federal courts have usually interpreted the matters of jurisdiction rather strictly. 在解释管辖权事项时联邦法院一直比较严格。 8. The jurisdictional amount is set by statute and is currently $80,000. 案件标的管辖权由法律规定,目前是80,000美元。 9. This matter does not fall within the jurisdiction fo the Hight Court. 该事项不在高等法院管辖权范围之内。 10. To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court, one that has jurisdiction in the case. 原告要提民事诉讼,首先要找到对该案件有管辖权的恰当的法院。
十三、国际法(International law) 1. A state alone can perform acts of sovereignty on its territory. 只有国家和能在自已的领土上行使主行为。 2. Being sovereign and equal to others, a state has certain rights and corresponding duties. 作为独立、平等的主权国,既享有某些权利,也承担相应的责任义务。 3. Both sides claimed the other side broke the peace agreement. 双方者声称对方破坏了和平协议。 4. Every state has the duty to refrain from use of force against the territorial integrity of any other state. 任何国家都负有不得使用武力侵犯别国领土完整的责任。 5. He claimed diplomatic immunity to avoid being arrested. 为避免被捕,他声称享有外交豁免权。 6. His passport is out of date. 他的护照已过期。
7. Illegal immigrants are deported. 非法移民要被驱逐出国。 8. One of the most flagrant of infringement of independence of States is intervention. 公然侵犯国家独立的行为之一是干涉。 9. Public international law has been regarded as a system of principles and rules designed to govern relations between sovereign states. 国际公法一直被视为是调整主权国之关系的一套原则和规则。 10. The beginnings of international law as it is known today are usually traced to the 16th and 17th centuries. 如今的国际法的起源通常应追溯到16和17世纪。
十五、海关和关税(Customs & tariff) 1. All imports must be declared to customs. 所有过口货物必须报关。 2. How long will it take us to pass through Customs? 办完通关手续要多长时间? 3. Like retaliation tariff, preferential tariff is used as a weapon in international relations. 与报复性关税一样,特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用。 4. The customs formalities for the exportation of the following cargo have been duly completed. 下列货物的出关手续已正式结清。 5. The Customs Bureau accepts certain foreign exports free of duty. 海关总署允许免税进口几种外国货。 6. The duty on automobiles will be abolished soon. 汽车关税即将被取消。 7. The government decided to raise tariff walls against foreign goods. 政府决定提高关税壁垒以抵制外国货。 8. The penalties for cheating customs are very severe. 关税欺诈所受的惩罚非常重。 9. The shutouts will soon be sent to the warehouse. 退关货物很快被存入仓库。 10. To impose a heavy duty on the imports of steel is unreasonable. 对钢材进口征收高关税是无道理的。
十六、合伙(Partnership) 1. A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit. 合伙企业指的是两个或两个以上的个人为牟利而组成的商事联合体。 2. Each partner is viewed as the other's agent. 每个合伙人都被视为是其他合伙人的代理人。 3. Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business. 每个合伙人都可以参与合伙企业的业务管理。 4. Family partnership is one in which the partners are members of a family. 家庭合伙是指合伙人均为一个家庭成员的合伙。 5. No partner shall be entitled to remuneration for acting in the partnership business. 任何合伙人均无权因参与合伙企业业务活动而获得报酬。 6. Partners are taxed as individuals and are personally liable for torts and contractual obligations. 合伙人按个人纳税,且以个人名义承担侵权和合同责任。 7. Unless it is a limited partnership, it need not be established in writing. 除非属于有限责任性质,合伙关系无须以书面缔结。 8. The other partners shall, under the same condition, enjoy priority in obtaining the assignment. 在同等条件下,其他合伙人有优先购买权。 9. The partnership books are to be kept at the place of business of the partnership or the principal place. 合伙企业的账簿应保存在企业营业处或企业本部。 10. Traditionally, a firm is referred to a partnership, as opposed to company. 按惯例,firm是指合伙企业,与公司相对。
1. A contract cannot arise out of an illegal act. 违法行为不足不约。 2. A contract is established when the acceptance becomes effective. 承诺生效即合同成立。 3. A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus through consultation. 当事人协商一致即可以变更合同。 4. A person is not liable for debts contracted druing his minority. 一个人无须对他在未成年时期的合同债务承担责任。 5. A transaction between two parties ought not to operate to the disadvantage of a third. 合约不约束第三人。 6. An acceptance once given cannot be revoked unless the offeror consents. 除非要约人同意,承诺一经做出即不得撤回。 7. An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer. 承担是受要约人同意要约的意思表示。 8. An offeror may withdraw an offer at any time before it has been accepted. 在要约被受要约人接受以前,要约人可以随进撤回要约。 9. Any amendment to this contract shall become effective only by a written agreement by Patry A and Party B. 对本合同的任何修改,只有经甲、乙双方签署书面协议后方能生效。 10. Any annex is the integral part of this contract. 对本合同一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分。 11. Any departure from the terms and conditions of the contract must be advised in writing. 任何与合同条款相背离的地方,都应以书面形式通知。
12. Any failure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligations under the contract shall be considered as a substantial breach. 一方当事人不履行本合同的全总或任何部分义务均应被视为是根本违约。 13. Any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party's agreement. 未经另一方当事人同意,任何当事人均无权终止合同。 14. Any violation of deadlines contained in the contract wil equate to breach of contract. 凡违反合同规定的任何期限都等同违约。 15. Contract law is initially concerned with determining what promises the law will enforce or recognize as creating legal rights. 合同法首先涉及确认哪些许诺可以作为创设的法律权利而由法律强制实施或承认。 16. Examples of void contracts are those entered into as a result of misrepresentation, duress or undue influence. 因欺诈、胁迫和乘人之危而签订的合同属于可撤销合同。 17. He is incompetent to sign the contract. 他没有签署合同的行为能力。 18. He reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance of the contract by the other party. 他有理由认为对方当事人将会根本违约。 19. He signed a covenant against under letting the premises. 他签署了一个反对廉价出租屋的契约。 20. He was incapable of fulfilling the terms of the contract. 他没有能力履行合同条款。 21. If a contract becomes invalid, the validity of its independently existing clauses pertaining to the settlement of disputes shall not be affected. 合同无效并不影响合同中独立存在的有关解决争议方法的条款的效力。 22. If a minor ratifies a contract upon reaching the age of majority, he or she is then bound to it. 如未成年人在达到法定年龄时追认合同,他/她便应受合同之约束。 23. If any of the above-mentioned clauses is inconsistent with the following additional clauses, the latter is to be taken as authentic. 以上任何条款如与下列附加条款相抵触,以下列附加条款为准。 24. If there are provisions as otherwise stated in respect to contracts in other laws, such provisions shall be followed. 其他法律对合同另有规定,应依照这些规定。 25. If there is no acceptance, by definition there ia no contract. 按照定义,没有承诺合同便不能成立。 26. In case of heavy losses, failure of a party to fulfill the obligations prescribed by the contract of force majeure, the contract may be terminated. 如发严重亏损,一方不履行合同规定的义务或不可抗力等,可提前终止合同。 27. Lawfully established contracts shall be protected by law. 依法成立的合同应受法律保护。 28. Marine insurance contracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties to exercise the utmost good faith. 海上保险合同属于赔偿合同,要求双方当事人尽到最大善意的义务。 29. No change in or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same is made in writing. 本协议之修改必须作成书面始生效力。 30. No consideration, no contract. 合同无对价不成立。 31. Other special terms will be listed bellow. 甲、乙双方如有特殊约定将在下列另行规定。 32. Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 甲、乙双方,经友好协商一致,订立要合同。 33. Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein. 本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可协商修订或补充。
34. Payment will be held up until the contract has been signed. 付款将延期到合同签订。 35. Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly. 请将你的合同文本做相应的修正。 36. Promises resulting from either express or an implied agreement can be enforced. 明示协定或默示协定所产生的允诺都可具有强制力。 37. She did not abide by the terms of the agreement. 她没有遵守协议的条款。 38. The agreement is binding on all parties. 该协议对各方当事人都有约束力。 39. The agreement of the parties is subject to review and approval of the board of directors. 当事人的协议须经董事会的审查和批准。 40. The conditions of the contract are still to be determined. 合同条件还有待确定。 41. The contact has been engrossed ready for signature. 合同已正式写成等待签署。 42. The contract has to be signed in the presence of two witnesses. 该合同必须在两个证人出席的情况下签署。 43. The contract was declared null and void. 合同被宣告无效。 44. The contract was annulled by the court. 合同被法院废止。 45. The express agreement of parties overcomes the law. 双方当事人的明示协议胜过法律。 46. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral part of this contract. 下列文件应被认为、读做、解释为本合同的组成部分。 47. The issue of this action is the date of the contract. 这案件的急论点是合约的日期。 48. The parties may dissolve the contract upon consensus through consultation. 当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。 49. The parties shall, when making a contract, have corresponding capacity for civil rights and civil conduct. 当事人订立合同,应当具有相应的民事权利能力和民事行为能力。 50. The parties to a contract shall fully fulfill their obligations pursuant to the terms of the contract. 合同的双方录事人应当按照合同的约定,合部履行自已的义务。 51. The parties to the contract have equal legal status, and neither party may impose its will in the other. 合同当事人的法律地位平等,一方不得将自已的意志强加给另一方。 52. The use of a prescribed contract form can reduce the uncertainty. 格式化合同的采用可以减少不确定性。 53. They took the unilateral decision to cancel the contract. 他们单方面决定撤消合同。
54. This Agreement and the schedules hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject mater hereof. 本协议及其附件构成双方关于本协议标的之完整协议。 55. This contract is executed in three counterparts, all of which are considered as originals and of the same effect. 本合同一式三份,均应视为原件,具有同等效力。 56. This contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. 本合同一经双方签字后立即生效。 57. This offer will be lapsed automatically after the time limit. 这项要约在期限过后,便会自动失效。 58. We hereby revoke the agreement of May8,2004. 这项特此宣告2004年5月8日的协议无效。 59. What is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix. 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方增补作为合同附件。 60. You have to get the permission of all the signatories to the agreement if you want to change the terms. 如果你要改动条款必须获得协议所有签署者的允许。
十八、和解(Settlement) 1. Conciliation is a procedure in which a public organ stands between the parties in order to try to solve a civil dispute by their mutual consent. 调解是公务机关介入当事人之间,没法根据当事人的协议解决民事纠纷的一种程序。 2. Even significant controversies may be settled through mediation. 即便是重大的争议都有可能通过调解解决。 3. If a claim is settled on behalf of a child of patient, the agreement is not binding until it is approved by the court. 以未成年人或病人名义和解诉讼主张,如无法院批准,此种协议没有拘束效力。 4. Litigants of the two parties may reconcile of their own accord. 双方当事人可以自行和解。 5. Out-of-court settlement is especially appropriate as applied to disputes that are resolved instituting litigation. 庭外调解专门适用于没有起诉的争端之解决。 6. The bill of mediation becomes legally effective after it has been delivered to the litigants and signed by them. 调解书交双方当事人签收后,即具有法律效力。 7. The parties reached a settlement the day before trial. 在案件审判前一天,双方当事人达成和解协议。 8. The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money. 在此种调解中支付的费用经常被称为摆脱诉讼滋扰费。 9. They are hoping to reach an out-of-court settlement. 他们希望庭和解。
10. To end the lawsuit, they reached an agreement resolving differences by mutual concessions. 为终结诉讼,他们各自让步就解决争议达成协议。
十九、环境保护(Environment protection) 1. An act that is destructive to the environment may be criminalized by statute. 破坏环境之行为可以被法律规定为犯罪。 2. Discharge pipes directly take pollutants away from the plant into the river. 排泄管道直接将污染物从工厂排入河流。 3. Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law. 根椐联邦和州的法律规定,在许多情况下都要求提供环境影响报告书。 4. Environmental law heavily intertwined with administrative law. 环保与行政法紧密纠缠在一起。 5. Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people's lives. 环境问题直接影响人们的生活质量。 6. In 1970,a federal agency was created to coordinate governmental action to protect environment. 1970年,成立了一个联邦机构以协调政府的环保行为。 7. Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmental agencies. 许多环保诉讼都涉及与政府机构的争端。
8. Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws. 污染受法律控制,并由联邦和州各种法规强制执行。 9. The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. 联邦政府颁布了《水清洁法》和《空气清洁法》。 10. The law requires a detailed analysis of the potential impact on the environment of a proposed project. 法律规定要对拟订项目对环境的潜在影响作详尽的分析。
二十、婚姻和家庭(Marriage & family life) 1. Arranged or mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference with the freedom of marriage are forbidden. 包办、买卖婚姻和其他任何干涉婚姻自由的行为都是被禁止的。 2. Custody of the children was awarded to the mother. 儿童的监护权已判给母亲。 3. She petitioned for divorce on account of the breakdown of their marriage. 她以婚姻关系破裂为由申请离婚。 4. She was granted a divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behavior by her husband. 基于丈夫的无理行为,她被允许离婚。 5. The adopter may adopt one child only, male or female. 收养人只能收养一名子女。 6. The court presumes the maintenance payments are being paid on time. 法院推定扶养费是按时支付的。 7. The payments were made according to the maintenance order. 按法院扶养令进行了付款。 8. Their marriage broke down and they separated. 他们的婚姻破裂,两人分居。 9. They went to see a marriage guidance counselor. 他们去找婚姻指导顾问。
10. What validates a marriage is the consent of the parties, not their cohabitation.
二十一、货运和海商法(Shipping & maritime law) 1.If the carrier issues a bill of lading for which there are no goods, the carrier is likely to be liable to the holder. 如果承运人签发空头提单,承运人有可能要对持票人承担责任。 2. In case of quarantine the property may be discharged at the risk and expense of owners into quarantine depot or elsewhere. 因检疫之故可在检疫地或其他地方卸货,风险和费用由货主承担。 3. Nothing in this section shall limit the right of the carrier to require the prepayment or guarantee of the charges. 本条款之任何规定不得限制承运人提出支付预付费或费用担保之要求。
4. The adjustment of general average is governed by the rules agreed by the parties to it. 共同海损理算,适用当事人约定的理算规则。 5. The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property. 货主或收货人应当支付运费、海损费以及就上述货物所发生的一切其他费用。 6. The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment of non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure. 因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟次货,卖方不负责任。 7. The shipment came with fake documentation. 装运发来的货物用的是伪造单据。 8. The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur. 发货人应赔偿承运人所发生的任何费用。 9. The warehouse claims a lien for all lawful charges for storage and preservation of the goods. 仓库主张对拖欠合法仓储保管费的货物享有留置权。 10. Where delivery is made by a common carrier by water the foregoing provisions of this Act shall apply. 如果交货人是水运公共承运人,应当适用本法律上述各项规定。
二十二、检察官(Prosecutor) 1. If prosecutorial misconduct results in a mistrial, a later prosecution may be barred. 如果检察官的不轨行为导致审判无效,再行起诉可能会被除数禁止。 2. In Great Britain, the Attorney General prosecutes for the Grown in certain cases. 在英国,检察总长在某些案件中代表王室进行公诉。 3. In some places, public prosecutors are elected rather than appointed. 在有些地方,检察官是经选举而非任命产生的。
4. Not every violation of law can be prosecuted, and prosecutors have wide discretion in deciding which to prosecute and which to drop. 并非所有的违法行为都要被起诉,在决定是否起诉时检察官具有很大的自由栽量权。 5. Please call your first witness, Mr. Prosecutor. 检察官先生,请传你的第一位证人。 6. The district attorney was appointed to represent the state in criminal cases. 州地方检察官被任命在刑事案件中代表州政府进行公诉。 7. The independent counsel is in charge of the investigation of the political scandal. 独立检察官负责调查该政治丑闻事件。 8. The prosecuting attorney represents the government in instituting and proceeding with criminal actions. 检察官代表政府提起并参与刑事诉讼。 9. The prosecutor decided to pursue the case to the end. 检察官决定对此案穷追不舍。 10. The public prosecutor must prove the defendant's act was the proximate cause of the injury. 检察官必须证明被告的行为是造成伤害的近因。
二十三、交通(Traffic) 1. He was booked for driving on the wrong side of the road. 他被指控占道驾驶。 2. Driving under the influence of alcohol is severely forbidden. 严禁洒后驾车。 3. Every one should observe the traffic regulations. 人人都应遵守交通规则。 4. Homicide by automobile is a special category of homicide recognized in some states. 汽车肇事杀人罪是一些州所规定的特定类别的非预谋杀人罪。 5. Mary was fined $10 for speeding. 玛丽因超速驾车被罚款10美元。
6. The driver had an excessive amount of alcohol in his blood. 该司机血液里的酒精过量。 7. The guidelines lay down rules for dealing with traffic offences. 基本原则规定了处理交通肇事规则。 8. The tribunal's terms of reference do not cover traffic offences. 法庭的授权调查事项不包括交通肇事罪。 9. The traffic court has jurisdiction over violation of statutes governing the use of roads and motor vehicles. 交通法庭有权管辖违反道路和车辆法规的事件。 10. Traffic police is a section of the police concerned with problems on the roads. 交通警察是处理道路交通问题的那部分警察。
二十四、借贷和租赁(Loan & lease) 1. Before the lessor signs the lease, the lessee must receive a copy of the contract. 在出租人签署租赁合同之前,承租人必须要收到合同副本。 2. Do you have sufficient cover for this loan? 你有这笔贷款的足够担保吗? 3. For the loan, he could have a lien placed on your home. 因为此笔贷款,他对你的住房享有留置权。 4. Legitimate loan relationships are protected by law. 合法的借贷关系受法律保护。 5. She wanted to use a loan to buy a new home. 她想用贷款购买新房。 6. The term of the loan is fifteen years. 贷款期限为15年。 7. We have a short lease on our current premises. 我们有一个短期租赁现有房屋的合同。 8. They were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal costs. 在支付法定费用的条件下他们可获得租赁权。
9. The leases are coterminous. 这些租赁合同同时终止。 10. The interest on a loan may not be deducted from the principal in advance. 借款的利息不得预先在本金中扣除。
二十五、警察(Police) 1. After six hours' being questioned by the police the accused man confessed. 经过警方六个小时的审问,被告供认了犯罪。 2. At this point the police interfered. 此时警方介入进来。 3. He is wanted by the police. 他是被除警方通缉者。 4. The chief Constable applied for an order of mandamus directing the justices to rehear the case. 警察局申请获得履行职务令,以命令法官重新审理该案。 5. The confession was extracted under torture by the police. 供认是警方严刑逼供得到的。 6. The police are close to solving the crime. 警方即将破案。 7. The police were accused of tampering with the evidence. 警察被指控篡改证词。
8. The post mortem was carried out or was conducted by the police pathologist. 由警察病理学家进行验尸。 9. The thief surrendered himself to the police. 小偷向警方自首。 10. When he offered to give information to the police, he was granted immunity from prosecution. 当他主动给警察提供信息时,他被免于起诉。
二十六、救济(Remedy) 1. If the contract is null and void, the remedy is to rescind and to put the parties in the position in which they were prior to the attempted agreement. 如果合同无效,救济方法是撤销合同,使双方当事人回复到协议签署之前的地位。 2. If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress. 如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告将无法得到救济。 3. In pleading, a party may request alternative relief. 在诉辩状中,当事人可提出替换救济要求。 4. Penal redress requires full compensation of the injured person as an instrument for punishing the offender. 刑事救济规定对受害人进行充分补偿,由此作为对罪犯的一种惩罚机制。 5. The act expressly provides for injunctive relief. 该法律明文规定了强制令救济。 6. The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief. 传统的侵犯版权的救济是衡平法上的救济。 7. The judge deemed it sufficient to compensate the plaintiff, making a equitable remedy unnecessary.
法官认为对原告的补偿已经足够了, 再作出公平的补救措施是不必要的。 8. The lender has a remedy either in court or through repossession of the car. 贷方有诉诸法庭或重新占有汽车两种救济方法。 9. The most common of legal remedy is damages. 最常见的普通法上的救济是损害赔偿金。 10. We have to consider specific performance and other equitable remedies. 我们必须考虑强制履行和其他的一些衡平法的救济。
二十七、立法(Legislation) 1. A law should be amended or repealed only by the same procedures that were used to enact it. 法律只有经其颁布之同样程序方能被修正或废除。
2. A legislature has many of the same powers as a court to support a legislative inquiry. 立法机关具有许多与法院相同的权力以进行立法调查。 3. Courts often look to legislative intent for guidance in interpreting and applying a law. 法院经常留意立法意,以此作为解释和适用法律之指南。 4. It is the business of the judiciary to interpret the laws, not scan the authority of the lawgiver. 法院的事务是解释法律而觊觎立法权。 5. Such legislation is unconstitutional. 此种立法是违宪的。 6. The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation. 最大多数人的最大幸福是道德和立法的基础。 7. The legislative cannot transfer the power of making laws to any other hands. 立法机关不能把制定法律的权力转让给任何其他人。 8. The legislative history and the language of the law may provide indications of the legislative intent. 立法史和法律语言可以提供有关立法意图的线索。 9. The legislative power is the supreme power in every commonwealth. 立法权是第个国家中的最高权力。 10. To carry out an objective review of current legislation is important. 对现行立法进行客观审查很重要。
二十八、律师(Lawyer) 1. A barrister has right of audience in any court in England and Wales. 律师有权在英格兰和威尔士的任何法院出庭。 2. A lawyer shall not represent both parties involved in the same case. 律师不得在同一案件中为双方当事人担任代理人。
3. A lawyer should assist in maintaining the integrity and competence of the legal profession. 律师应帮助维护律师界的正直及业务能力。 4. A lawyer should assist in preventing the unauthorized practice of law. 律师应帮助防止非法执业。 5. A lawyer should assist the legal profession in fulfilling its duty to make legal counsel available. 律师应帮助律师界履行其提供法律顾问的义务。 6. A lawyer should avoid even the appearance of professional impropriety. 律师甚至应避免出现不正当业务现象。 7. A lawyer should exercise independent professional judgment on behalf of a client. 律师应代表当事人独立进行法律专业判断。 8. A lawyer should preserve the confidences and secrets of client. 律师应当为当事人保密。 9. A lawyer should represent a client competently. 律师应称职地担任当事人的代理。 10. A lawyer should represent a client zealously within the bounds of the law. 律师应在法律范围内热忱为当事人代理。 11. Can you contact the solicitors representing the vendors? 你能与代表卖主的律师联系吗? 12. Counsel is instructed to settle the defense. 律师接受指示处理辩护事项。 13. Counsel for the plaintiff opposed the defendant's application for an adjournment. 原千律师反对被告的休庭申请。 14. Counsel for the prosecution opened with a description of the accused's family. 起诉方律师开始发言时对被告的家庭背景做了描述。 15. Counsel must not lead the witness. 律师不得诱导证人。 16. Counsel pleaded the accused's age in extenuation of his actions. 律师以被告年龄为由要求减轻其行为过错。 17. Counsel prevailed upon the judge to grant an adjournment. 律师劝说法官休庭。 18. Counsel questioned the reliability of the witness evidence. 律师对证人证词的可靠性表示怀疑。 19. Counsel raised a point of law. 辩护人提出了一个法律问题。 20. Counsel stated that there was no case to answers, but the judge demurred. 律师声明没有必要进行答辩,但法官表示不同意。 21. Defense counsel made a speech in mitigation. 为获判刑被告律师做了发言。 22. Defense counsel put his case. 辩护律师提出他的论点。 23. He has set up in practice as a solicitor. 他已是一个开业“初级律师”。 24. He is a partner in a law firm. 他是律师事务所的合伙人。 25. He was denied the right to see his lawyer. 他被剥夺了会见律师的权利。 26. Sound legal advice depends upon the lawyer, being fully informed by the client. 好的法律咨询意见取决于律师是否能从当事人处获得充分信息。 27. The accused decided to dispense with the services of a lawyer. 被告决定不要律师的服务。 28. The solicitor attempted to have the charge dropped. 初级律师试图使原告撤诉。 29. The solicitor paid the fine on behalf of his client. 初级律师代表诉讼委托人支付了罚款(金)。 30. The solicitor sent an extract of the deeds. 初级律师寄出一份契据的摘录本。
二十九、藐视法庭(Contempt of court) 1. At common law, conduct tending to interfere with the course of justice in particular legal proceedings constitutes criminal contempt. 在普通法上,意在干预具体法律程序的司法过程之行为将构成藐视法庭罪。
2. Because contemptuous conduct interferes with the administration of justice, it is punishable, usually by fine or imprisonment. 因为藐视法庭行为干扰司法职能,故应予惩罚,通常可处罚金或监禁刑。 3. Criminal contempt is crime that is punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. 咆哮公堂是犯罪行为,可处罚金,监禁或并处。 4. He is in danger of being in contempt of court. 他可能会犯藐视法庭罪。 5. He refused to obey the court order and was sent to prison for contempt. 他拒绝服从法院命令,因藐视法院而被收监。 6. His conduct tending to disregard the judge's order constituted contempt of court. 他不遵从法官命令之行为构成了藐视法庭罪。 7. The judge imposed an instant fine upon the contemnor. 法官当即对藐视法庭者处了罚金。 8. The judge's decision sets a precedent for future cases of contempt of court. 法官的裁决为未来的藐视法庭案制定了一个先例。 9. The lawyer was fined $500 for contempt of court. 该律师因藐视法庭罪被处500美元罚金。 10. The sanctions for civil contempt end upon compliance with order. 对民事上的藐视法庭罪孽的惩罚在当事人遵循法院命令后即结束。
三十、陪审团(Jury) 1. Every defendant charged with a felony has a right to be charged by the Grand Jury. 重罪被告都有权由大陪审团审理。 2. He chose to stand trial by jury. 他选择了陪审审判。
3. The accused made his election for jury trial. 被告选择了由陪审团参加的审判。 4. The judge directed the jury to acquit all the defendants. 法官指示陪审团裁定所有被告无罪。 5. The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. 陪审团作了无罪裁定。 6. The jury found him guilty and did not recommend mercy. 陪审团裁定他有罪,且未提出宽大处理。 7. The jury has to decide whom to believe among a mass of conflicting evidence. 在一大堆相互抵触的证据中陪审团必须决定相信哪能一方。 8. The jury reached a unanimous verdict of not guilty. 陪审团一致裁决无罪。 9. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the judge will pass sentence next week. 陪审团裁定有罪,法官将于下周判刑。 10. The jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision. 陪审团未能达成意见一致的裁决。
三十一、票据(Instrument) 1. A bona fide holder for value takes free from any defect inthe title of his predecessors. 有价证券善持有人有受前手所有权缺陷的影响。 2. A check cannot be accepted. 支票不得承兑。 3. An endorsement by the drawee is null and void. 付款人背书无效。 4. An instrument is a document of title to money. 票据是代表金钱支付权利的文据。 5. Every instrument constitutes an independent contract embodying a payment obligation. 每张票据都构成一份独立的体现支付义务的合同。 6. The bill of exchange was in its inception confine largely to the financing of foreign trade. 汇票最初主要限于在外贸金融活动中使用。 7. The check is payable to bearer. 向持票人付款的支票。 8. The promissory note is a document in which a promises to pay a sum of money to B. 本票是规定甲方向乙方支付一笔款额的一种文据。 9. They would almost certainly be held by the court to be negotiable instruments, albeit outside the scope of the Bills of Exchange Act. 尽管不在《汇票法》规定之内,但法院几乎肯定将它们裁定为是流通票据。 10. This autonomy of the payment obligation is essential to the marketability of instrument. 支付义务的自动履行对票据的可流通性非常重要
三十二、破产(Bankruptcy) 1. A debtor may file for bankruptcy, which is called "voluntary bankruptcy". 债务人可以申请破产,这叫做“自愿破产”。 2. Bankruptcy protects the debtor from debt collection by creditors. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。 3. He was adjudicated or declared bankrupt. 他被宣判或宣布破产。 4. I'm broke. 我破产了。 5. Insolvency matters are covered under the Bankruptcy Code. 资不抵债事项由《破产法典》调整。 6. The company was close to bankruptcy. 公司接近破产。 7. The company was declared insolvent. 公司被宣布无清偿能力。 8. The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation. 法院指定了一个接管人以管理和清算破产公司的资产。 9. The creditors decided ot initiate a bankruptcy proceeding. 债权人决定提起破产之诉。 10. The debt was discharged in bankruptcy. 在破产中债务被解除。
三十三、侵权(Tort) 1. In tort law the duty is imposed by the law. 在侵权法中,责任是由法律规定的。 2. Some jurisdictions have established this tort to provide a rimedy for malicious deeds. 有些司法管辖区规定了此种侵权行为,目的是对恶意行为受害人提供救济。 3. Such tort-feasors are jointly and severally liable. 此种侵权行为为要承担共同和连带责任。 4. The law of tort provides rules of conduct that regulate how members fo society interact and remedies if the rules are breached and damage is suffered. 侵权行为法提供行为规则,规范社会成员的相互交往以及在该规则被违反和损害发生是,如何进行救济。 5. The law of tort aims to compensate those who have suffered as a result of a tort. 侵权行为法的目的在于补偿被侵害人。 6. Tort law is a branch of civil law that is connected with civil wrongs, but not contract actions. 侵权法属于民法的一部分,其与民事过错相关,与合同行为无关。 7. Trot liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property. 过失侵权责任以过失行为与对人身或财产的侵权之间的因果关系为前提。
8. Trots are in themselves sufficient grounds for bringing an action without the need to prove that damage has been suffered. 侵权本身足民构成起诉某人的证据,无须证明遭受了损失。 9. Torts can be divided into three categories depending on whether liability is based on intent, on negligence, or is absolute or strict without either intent or negligence. 侵权可根据侵权责任的不同分为三类,故意侵权责任,过失侵权责任,绝对侵权责任或无过错严格侵权责任。 10. Two of the largest categories of civil law are contract law and tort law. 民法中最大两个类别是合同法和侵权法。
三十四、上诉(Appeal) 1. Generally a party has the right to appeal any judgment to at least one higher court. 通常当事人对任何判决至少一次上诉权。 2. He applied for judicial review by way of certiorari. 他申请用签发调卷令的方法获得司法审查。 3. He has appealed to the Supreme Court. 他向最高法院上诉。 4. He lost his appeal to the House of Lords. 他在向上院提起的上诉中败诉。 5. The appeal court dismissed the appeal by wasy of case stated. 上诉法院以书面审理下级法院的判案陈述方法驳回上诉。 6. The appeal court overrode the decision of the lower court. 上诉法院撤销了下级法院的裁决。 7. The appeal court quashed the verdict. 上诉法院撤消了裁决。 8. The appeal court reduced the fine imposed by the magistrates and released the sentence to seven year's imprisonment. 上诉法院减少了治安官所处的罚金,并将刑期减少到七年。 9. The Appeal Court rejected the appeal on a technicality. 上诉法院驳回了就技术细节问题的上诉。 10. The appeal from the court order will be heard next month. 不服法院判决的上诉将于下月审理。 11. The appeal judge held that the defendant was not in breach of his statutory duty. 上诉法院法官裁定被告没有不履行他的法定职责。 12. The appeal was adjourned for affidavits to be obtained. 为获得宣誓证明书,上诉被推迟。 13. The appeal was rejected by the House of Lords. 上院拒绝受理上诉。 14. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin-dover order. 申请人请求司法审理以便废除责令某人守法的命令。 15. The Bill proposes that any party to the proceedings may appeal. 议案建议讼任何一方都可以上诉。 16. The Court of Appeal has confirmed the judge's decision. 上诉法院维持了一审法官的判决。 17. The Court of Appeal ordered a retrial. 上诉法院命令重审。 18. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the order. 申请人寻求司法复审以撤消命令。 19. The litigants may appeal against a judgment or a ruling derived from the retrial. 当事人可就重审案件的判决或裁定进行上诉。 20. We will appeal the decision to a higher court. 我方不服判决,要向一级法院上诉。
三十五、审判(Trial) 1. A case is only authority for what it actually decides. 判例只能用作实际判决事项的法律依据。 2. A judgment must be impartial. 判决必须公正。 3. All legal systems have a rule that a judicial determination of a case is final. 所有法律制度的规则都是将司法判作为最终手段。 4. Before trial the defendant may move to dismiss the case on the ground that the facts alleged do not constitute a crime. 审判前,被告方可以所控事实不构成犯罪为自由权,要求撤销案件。 5. Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place everyday. 审判永无终止,每天都在发生。 6. He was acquitted of the crime. 他被宣判无罪。 7. He was committed for trial in the Central Criminal Court. 他被带到中央刑事法院受审。 8. He was sentenced to five years, but should serve only three with remission. 他被判了五年徒刑,但减刑后仅服刑三年。 9. He was sentenced to two periods of years in prison, the sentences to run concurrently. 他被判处两个两年的徒刑,该判决合执行。 10. He was tried for murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. 他因谋杀而受审并被判处终生监禁。 11. Judgment was entered for the plaintiff. 判决原告胜诉。 12. Now the court is in session. 现在开庭。 13. Order in the court. 法庭内保持肃静。 14. She was awarded substantial damages. 她被判给予巨额损害赔偿金。 15. The adjudicator has to decide impartially between the two parties. 判决者必须在双方当事人中做公正的裁决。 16. The case is listed to heard next week. 该案已被安排在下周审理。 17. The clerk to the justices read out the indictment. 书记员宣读了刑事起诉书。 18. The case has been stood over to next week. 案子的审理被推迟到下个星期进行。 19. The court adjourned for a ten-minute break. 休庭10分钟。 20. The hearing proceeded after the protesters were removed from the courtroom. 抗议者被逐出法庭后审理继续进行。 21. The hearings were held in camera. 审判秘密进行。 22. The hearing was held up while counsel argued over procedural problems. 当律师分争论程序问题时,审理被停止。 23. The offence carries a maximum sentence of two year's imprisonment. 该罪行可最多可判处两年监禁。 24. The power to hear cases is called jurisdiction. 审理案件的权力称为审判权。 25. The trial lasted six days. 审判延续了六天。 26. The trial took place in the absence of the defendant. 审判在被告缺席的情况下进行。 27. The clerk of the court read out the charges. 书记员宣读了控告书。 28. The objective of the pre-trial hearing is to shorten the actual trial time without infringing upon the rights of either party. 预审程序的目的在于缩短实际审理的时间而不侵犯双方当事人的权利。 29. They all stood up when the judges entered the courtroom. 当法官进入法庭进他们全部起立。 30. To give him a fair and impartial hearing is of great importance. 让他获得公下和无偏见的审理是很重要的。
三十六、税收(Tax) 1. An income tax deduction is allowed for bad debt. 坏账在计算所得税时可作为一个抵减项。 2. Filing a false tax return is under the penalties of perjury to taxing authorities. 提交虚假税收申请表将以对税务当局作伪证论处。 3. He was convicted of tax evasion. 他因逃税被定罪。 4. It is the duty of citizens to pay taxes in accordance with the law. 公民有依照法律纳税的义务。 5. Some state statutes impose special taxes, usually in the form of stamp tax,on sales of stock. 有些州的法规对股票销售征收特种税,通常是以印花税的形式征收。 6. The federal income tax is governed by the Internal Revenue Code. 联邦所得税事项由《国内税收法典》调整。 7. The tax court has jurisdiction over questions of law and fact arising under the tax laws. 税务法院对因税法而产生的法律和事实问题具有管辖权。 8. The tax is assessed as a percentage of the assigned value of a corporation's capital stock. 此税是按公司股份总额的百分比予以征收。 9. The tax is levied without statutory authority. 征收此税缺乏法律依据。 10. The tax ruling has retrospective effect. 该税务裁定具有溯及力。
三十七、死刑(Death penalty) 1. A sentencing judge is required to consider any mitigating circumstances befor imposing the death penalty. 在处死刑之前,要求量刑法官必须考虑是否有任何减轻罪行之情节。
2. Capital punishment for murder is based on the idea that if a person kills someone, he must pay with his own life. 针对谋杀的死刑判决是基于这样一个理念:如果一个杀死了某人,他必须用自已的生命作为补偿。 3. Death penalty is usually imposed because of some type of gross misconduct. 死刑经常只对某类别的严重犯罪惩处。 4. He was executed by firing squad. 他被行刑队处决。 5. He was guilty of a capital crime. 他犯了死刑。 6. He was sentenced to death but was reprieved by the president. 他被判处死刑但被总统下令缓期执行。 7. The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. 死刑减成终身监役。 8. The prisoners were condemned to death. 囚犯们被判死刑。 9. The punishment for treason is death. 对叛国罪的处罚是处死。 10. They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional. 他们就规定死刑的法规是否违宪进行争论。
三十八、诉辩状(Pleading) 1. A lawsuit begins with the filing of a complaint. 诉讼从提交诉状开始。 2. A pleading is a legal document filed with the court that sets forth the position and contentions of a party. 诉辩状是向法院提交的,陈述当事人立场和主张的法律文书。 3. An answer usually sets forth the defendant's defenses and counterclaims. 辩护状通常写也被告的答辩和反诉。 4. Certain defenses may be made by motion rather than included in the answer. 某些辩护可以动议提出,而不是包括在答辩状中。 5. In some circumstances, a party must obtain the court's permission to amend its complaint. 在某些情况下,当事人必须经法院许可方能修改其诉讼。 6. Pleadings must be submitted to the court when the action is set down for trail. 当案件确定正式审判后,诉辩状必须呈交法院。 7. The defendant was given a copy of information before he was called upon to plead. 被告在被传唤进行辩护之前收到一份警方起诉书副本。 8. The indictment was incorrectly worded. 刑事诉状的措辞不正确。 9. The statement of claim was stuck out because it disclosed no cause of action. 因未说明诉因,该起诉被取消。 10. This complaint or pleading is a statement of the charge against the defendant and the remedy sought, typically money damages. 诉状是对被告进行指控和寻求救济的陈述,这种救济一般是指金钱赔偿救济。
三十九、诉讼(Litigation) 1. A litigant generally must make a motion in writing. 诉讼当事人通常必须作出书面申请。 2. A party must be given fair motive of the case made against him. 当事人应当被合理告知其被指控的理由。 3. Agree, for the law is costly. 私了吧,诉论太费钱。 4. An action is not given to one who is not injured. 非受害者无权进行诉论。 5. As already suggested, lawsuits do not begin themselves. 正如常所说,诉论不会自动开始。 6. He brought a libel action. 他提起诽谤之诉。 7. He had to resort to threats of court action to get repayment. 他不得不用诉讼相威胁以求获得偿还。 8. I am afraid you will to be charged for damages. 恐怕你要受到索赔指控。 9. I am sorry we have to charge for damages. 对不起,我们得提起索赔之诉。 10. If the law has other provisions concerning limitation of action, those provisions shall apply. 法律对诉讼时效另有规定,依照法律规定。 11. If there is a prosecution the onus will normally be on the prosecutor to prove the case. 如果起诉,通常由起诉人负责证明案件成立。 12. Inspection was ordered to take place seven days after discovery. 证据开示程序完成后的第七天法院命令对文件进行检查。 13. It is a case of accidental death. 此是一个意外事故死亡案。 14. No right of action can have its origin in fraud. 欺诈不能产生诉权。 15. Possession is nine points of the law. 有财势者在诉讼中总占上风。 16. She decided to go to law against her husband to have the dispute settled. 她决定去法院起诉丈夫以解决争端。 17. The case represents a new development in the law of libel. 案情代表了反诽谤法的新动向。 18. The judicial process deals not with abstract questions or hypothetical situations but with actual controversies between real parties. 司法程序解决的不是抽象问题或假想情形,而是真实的当事人之间的事实之意间的事实在争端。
19. The prosecution in a criminal case has to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed th crime. 在刑事案件中,控方必须毫无疑义地确认被告犯了罪。 20. Win your lawsuit and lose your money. 赢了官司输了钱。
四十、诉讼费(Costs) 1. Costs of the case will be borne by the defendant. 讼案费用由被告承担。 2. Costs will be shared equally between the two parties. 诉讼费由双方当事人平均分担。 3. The amount of costs payable by one party to another may be fixed by rules or determined by way of assessment. 一方当事人向另一方事人支付诉讼费数额可按规定或经评估确定。 4. The cost of litigation will be more affordable and predictable. 诉讼费将更注重民众经济能力,更具有可能预见性。 5. The court ordered the costs to be taxed if not agreed. 法院命令如果达不成协议诉讼费用由法院评定。 6. The defendants successfully obtained the dismissal of an appeal but were awarded no costs. 被告们成功地让法院驳回了上诉,但却没得任何诉讼费。 7. The judge awarded costs to the defendant. 法官判由原告向被告支付诉讼费。 8. The party receiving costs may obtain some of those costs at an early stage. 应获得诉讼费的一方当事人可预先得到该诉讼费的一部分。 9. The paying party is often required to pay the receiving party a sum which is less than the sum the winner has to pay his own legal representative. 支付方向受付方支付的款额经常要少于胜诉方必须支付的法律代现费数额。
10. There are two bases upon which the court may assess the amount of costs recoverable. 法院可基于两点来评估当事人应获得的诉讼费数额。
四十一、所有权(Ownership) 1. A person may own land notwithstanding that another has an easement, such as a right of way, over it. 一个人可拥有土地,尽管他人对土地具有地役权,诸如通行权。 2. A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possessions belong him. 占有者无须证明自已为物主。 3. He is the de jure owner of the property. 他是财产的注定所有权人。 4. His title to the property is defective. 他的产权具有瑕疵。 5. Marital property is the same as community property and is divided equally upon divorce. 夫妻财产也同样属于共同财产,离婚时应作平均分配。 6. One independent object can only and only needs to establish one property right. 一物只能且只须有一个产权。 7. One should enjoy his property in such a manner as not to injure that of another person. 享有自已的财产应以不损害他人的利益为限。 8. Ownership has been described as the entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law". 所有权被称作是“法定使用权和处置权的集合体。” 9. Ownership in division is ended by a partition of the property. 未分财产的所有权经财产分割即告疑终结。 10. The ownership of the company has passed to bank. 公司的所有权已经移交银行。
四十二、委托代理(Agency) 1. Both express authority and implied authority can create agency. 明示授权和默示授权都能产生代理。 2. Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic acts through agents. 公民、法人可以通过代理人实施民事法律行为。 3. He was acting in a fiduciary capacity. 他以受托人身份行为。 4. Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary. 受托人享有普通法上的所有权,受益人享有衡平法了的所有权。 5. She was empowered by the company to sign the contract. 她被公司授权签署此项合同。 6. The agent is empowered to sell the property. 代理人受权出售该财产。 7. The agreement covers all agencies. 该协议包括所有代理。 8. The principal may be obligated as if it had expressly granted the authority to agent. 被代理人可能要承担他原本未明确授权给代理人之责任。 9. They signed an agency agreement. 他们签订了一项代理协议。 10. The third party and the agent shall be held jointly liable. 第三人和代理人应负连带责任。
四十三、未成年人违法(Juvenile delinquency) 1. A child is considered legally incapable of committing a crime. 未成年人在法律上被视为无犯罪能力的。 2. All juvenile records are closed and confidential at the court's discretion. 法庭有权裁量将任何未成年人的违法记录进行保密。
3. Being a minor, he would not be charged as an adult for a criminal act. 作为未成年人,他将不会因犯罪行为像成人一样被起诉。 4. Having taken the age of the accused into consideration, the court has decided to give him a suspended sentence. 考虑到被告的年龄,法院决定给他缓期处刑。 5. A Person who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of eighteen who commits a crime shall be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment. 已满14周岁但未满18周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或者减轻处罚。 6. The appeal court quashed the care order made by the juvenile court. 上诉法院废除了少年法院签发的监护。 7. The emphasis in juvenile courts is upon rehabilitation of youthful offenders rather than punishment. 少年法庭的重心是使青少年违者回归社会而非惩罚。 8. The juvenile court may expunge or destroy the records of a juvenile at any time. 少年法庭可在任何时候删除或者销毁未成年人的记录。 9. The juvenile delinquent was sent to the reformatory. 该少年违者被关进教养院改造。 10. When the offense was committed, he was under the age of majority. 犯罪时他还未成年。
四十四、消费者权益(Consumer’s right) 1. Can I bring criminal charges against a seller for an anti-consumer action? 对销售者反对消费者的行为我可以提起刑事诉讼吗? 2. Consumers are entitled to choose their own commodities or services. 消费者有权挑选商品和服务。 3. He sought to hold the manufacturer of the article liable for defects. 他企图追究制造者对瑕疵产品的责任。 4. If the seller of goods does not live up to the standards of conduct and performance set by the licensing agency, loss of license can result. 如果商品销售者没有达到发证机构制定的行为和表现标准,可能会导致吊销许可证的后果。 5. The consumer will enjoy increasing protection by the law. 消费者受到的法律保护将越来越多。 6. The Federal Trade Commission has the broadest consumer protection duties. 联邦贸易委员会具有最广泛的保护消费者权益的职责。 7. The fraud case has been covered by the consumer protection legislation. 欺诈案已被包括在消费者保护立法之中。 8. The law also provides that the consumer has the right to cancel any door-to-door contract. 法律还规定消费者人权撤销任何送货上门买卖合同。 9. This law has been formulated to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. 为保护消费者的合法权益特制定本法。 10. When a consumer suit is won, the seller is likely to be required to pay damages. 当消费者权益保护之诉胜诉,卖方可能不得不支付赔偿金。
四十五、信托(Trust) 1. A trust can be presumed by operation of law. 信托关系可以法律推定成立。 2. A trust may be created orally, but usually is set up in a written form. 信托关系可以口关建立,但一般却是经书面文件形式建立。 3. He left his property in trust for his daughter. 他将财产交他人为自己的女儿托管。 4. He will be found liable if he assists a trustee to commit a dishonest breach of trust. 如果他帮助受托人不诚实地违反信托,他将被判处承担法律责任。 5. The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor. 法院指定一名破产财产托管人以管理债务人的财产。 6. The trust instrument must identify the trust property, the trustee, and the beneficiaries, and state the terms of the trust. 信托文件必须确认信托财产、受托人和受益人,并写明信托条款。 7. The trustee must manage the trust property for the beneficiary. 受托人必须受益人管理信托财产。 8. To the beneficiary the trustee owes a fiduciary duty. 受托人对受益人负有信托义务。 9. Trusts developed out of the old English use. 信托源于古老的英国惯例。 10. Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant. 鉴于财产是为上诉人托管的。
四十六、刑罚(Punishment) 1 .Criminal punishment ought to be based upon blameworthiness only, and not imposed upon those cannot be blamed. 刑罚只能建立在可责性的基础上,不可责者不应受罚。 2. Guilt always hurries towards its complement, i.e. punishment, only there does its satisfaction lie. 犯罪总很快得到相应的惩罚,只有处罚才能使犯罪得到偿还。 3. He was kept in solitary confinement for a week. 他被单独监禁了一周。 4. If the prosecution can prove that the defendant acted "for purpose of commercial advantage", the maximum sentence is five years in prison. 如控方能够证明被告的行为系“以商业利益目的”则最高刑罚是监禁五年。 5. Legal circumstances and consideration circumstances show no difference and work in coordination in the course of discretion of punishment. 在量刑裁定上,法定情节和酌定情节具有一致性和功能互补性。 6. No one can be punished twice for the same offence. 一罪不二罚。 7. Punishment is justice for the unjust. 惩罚是对正义的伸张。 8. Punishment ought to be inflicted upon the guilty, and not upon others. 刑罚应依据罪行而不立依据其他因素。 9. The goal of punishment should be to reform the criminal so that he will not commit a crime again. 刑罚的目的应该是改造罪犯使其不再犯罪。 10. That justice with absolutely prevents a crime is better than that which severely punishes it. 从根本上防范犯罪的司法体制要好于严厉惩罚犯罪的体制。
四十七、刑法原则(Criminal law principles) 1.An act is not a crime unless the law says it is one. 法无明文规定者不为罪。 2. An essential function of the criminal law is to define the boundary between what conduct is criminal and what is merely immoral. 刑法的本质功能在于明确了犯罪行为与公非道德行为的界限。 3. Criminal Law is not only the Magra Carta of the innocent, but also the Magra Carta which makes the sinner. 刑法既是善良人的《大宪章》,也是犯罪人的《大宪章》。 4. Divine punishments though slow, are always sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 5. Duress provides no defense to a charge of murder. 受到胁迫不能成为谋杀指控之抗辩。 6. Justifiable defense is the act being exempted from crimes. 正当防卫不属于犯罪行为。 7. Prevention and punishment are essential reasons why we have criminal law and a criminal justice system. 预防和处罚犯罪是制订和建立司法体系的主要原因。 8. No crime without a law. 法无明文规定者不为罪。 9. No one can be forced to incriminate himself. 任何人不得被强制自证其罪。
10. Penal statutes must not be given retroactive effect. 刑法不得溯及既往。
四十八、刑事侦察(Criminal investigation) 1. After the judge dismissed the case, the police refused to investigate further. 法官驳回此案后,警方拒绝作进一步侦破。 2. Ballistics was used in the criminal case to determine the gun's firing capacity. 在该刑事案件中人们运用弹道学原理来确定枪的发射力。 3. Investigating detention is constitutional only if probable cause exists. 只有在合理依据成立时,非正式侦破性拘押才不是违法的。 4. Investigating power was used to compel the bank to disclose some facts. 人们运用侦察权以强迫银行披露某些事实。 5. The coroner found that the death was not due to natural causes. 死因调查官发现该死亡不属于自然死亡。 6. The investigating magistrate is thus a kind of quasi-judge standing halfway between the prosecutor and the court. 由此,预审治安官是位于检察官和法官之间的一种标准法官。 7. The law has been made obsolete by new developments in forensic science. 法医学的新发展使该法过时。 8. The police have power to hold a suspect during the investigation of his participation in a crime. 在调查嫌疑犯是否参加期间,警方有权拘押嫌疑犯。 9. The police investigated the suspect's involvement in the murder. 警方调查嫌疑犯与谋杀的干系。 10. The policeman found the man was a fugitive during a stop and frisk for weapons. 在拦截和搜查武器时,警察发现该人是个逃犯。
四十九、业务交易(Transaction) 1. A corporation shall conduct operations within the range approved and registered. 公司应当在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。 2. A transaction between two parties shouldn't operate to the disadvantage of a third party. 两方当事人之间的交易不得对第三方不利。 3. Goods will be supplied within thirty days of receipt of order. 在收到定单后30天内供货。 4. In the case for goods, the seller must act in good faith. 货物的卖方须善意。 5. Invoices are payable within thirty days of receipt. 发票收到后30天内付款。 6. Is there any red tape involved in starting up any form of business? 开办企业有何法律规定? 7. The payment has to countersign by the mortgagor. 该付款必须有抵押人的会签。 8. The sale of goods acts only apply to the sale of goods and have no application when services are provided. 货物买卖法仅适用于货物的买卖而不适用于提供服务。 9. We are pleased to inform you that you offer has been accepted. 我们高兴地通知你方:你们的发盘已被接受。 10. You should repay before the expiration of the stated period. 你应该在规定日期结束前付款。
五十、医疗保健(Medical care) 1. A surgery conformed to standard practice is not medical malpractice. 遵守标准惯例的手术不能算作医疗事故。 2. Thought it is not malpractice, you still have recourse under the law. 尽管其不算医疗事故,你仍然可以依法得到救济。
3. The arrangement you make with a plastic surgeon should be deemed as a contract. 你与整洁外科医生的协议应被视为是合同。 4. Legally, a doctor commits medical malpractice when he departs from standard practice. 从法律角度上讲,医生背离标准惯例则构成医疗失职。 5. Your pregnancy is not the result of the doctor's malpractice. 你的怀孕不能归咎于医生的失职。 6. Should an injury result from nonstandard practice, a malpractice claim for damages could be made. 如果伤害是因非标准治疗引起,你可以提起医疗事故之索赔主张。 7. The doctor negligent of his duty may face not only a malpractice suit but also a criminal indictment. 玩忽职守的医生人仅会遭受失职之诉,而且还可能受到刑事指控。 8. Misdiagnosis may be malpractice. 误诊可能是一种失职行为。 9. A doctor is responsible for the actions of his staff. 医生应当对他的助手的行为负责。 10. The death of the patient because of her doctor's choice of C-section was not medical malpractice in and of itself. 该病人因其医生选择剖腹产而死亡一事其本身并非医疗失职行为。
五十一、遗嘱和继承(Will & succession) 1. A will needs the signature of the testator and two witnesses. 一份遗嘱需要立遗嘱人和两个证人签字。 2. He bequeathed his shares to his daughter. 他将他的份额遗赠给他的女儿。 3. He was named executor of his brother's will. 他被提名做他兄弟的遗嘱执行人。 4. He would like part of his estate to go to relatives other than his immediate family. 他宁愿将其部分遗产赠与远亲而非近亲属。 5. Hereby revoke all former wills, codicils and testamentary dispositions made by me and declare to be my last will and testament. 在此特撤销本人以前订立之所有遗嘱,遗嘱修订附件及按遗嘱进行的产权处置,并宣布本遗嘱为人最终之遗嘱。 6. She died without issue. 她死后无嗣。 7. The main beneficiaries of the will are the deceased's family. 遗嘱的主要受益人是死者的家庭成员。 8. The will was signed in the presence of two witnesses. 本遗嘱是在两位证人面前签署的。 9. You can disinherit your children. 你可以剥夺子女的继承权。 10. Your possessions will be distributed by the state under its statute of descent if you die without a will. 如一个人无遗嘱死亡,其财产将按州的法定继承法规予以处置。
五十二、原告和被告(Plaintiff & defendant) 1. The accused admitted six other offences. 被告承认其他六个犯罪行为。 2. The accused had no criminal record. 被告没有前科。 3. The accused throughout is presumed to be innocent unless he admits the offence or until he is proved beyond reasonable doubt to be guilty. 在招认犯罪或毫无疑义地被证实有罪之前,被告都应被推定无罪。 4. The accused was convicted of murder and will be sentenced next week. 被告已被定谋杀罪并于下周判刑。 5. The accused was found to be innocent. 被告被判无罪。 6. The case proceeded notwithstanding the objections of the defendant. 尽管被告反对,诉讼照常进行。 7. The defendant applied for an extension of time in which to serve her defense. 被告申请延长她送答辩状的时间。 8. The defendant asked permission to address the court. 被告要求允许他在法庭讲话。 9. The defendant entered defense of justification. 被告用被控行为正当为由进行辩护。 10. The defendant has the right to file a counter-suit. 被告有权提起反诉。 11. The defendant has applied for an adjournment. 被告提出休庭申请。 12. The defendant is in breach of his statutory duty. 被告未履行他的法定义务。 13. The defendant prevailed in the case. 被告胜诉。 14. The defendant was in court for three hours. 被告被法庭审了三个小时。 15. The defense attorney's objection was overruled by the judge. 被告辩护律师提出的反对意见被法官驳回。 16. The lack of good will was evidenced by the defendant's behavior in the witness stand. 被告在证人席的行为显示其缺乏善意。 17. The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the courts. 原告正通过法院寻求救济。 18. The relief the plaintiff sought was an injunction and damages. 原告请求的救济为强制令和损害赔偿金。 19. The plaintiff's account and defendant's response were filed with a master in chancery. 原告的指控和被告的辩护被提交给了司法衡平法院的主事官。 20. The respondent was not acting bona fide. 被告的行为不真诚。
五十三、责任(Duty) 1. A duty is an obligation of law imposed on a person to perform or refrain from performing a certain act. 责任是法律所规定的一个人为或不为之义务。 2. A person who causes harm in exercising justifiable defense shall not bear vivil liability. 因正当防卫造成损害的,不承担民事责任。 3. Failure to observe the code does not render anyone liable to proceedings. 违反该法典者并不承担诉讼责任。 4. If two or more persons jointly infringe upon another person's rights and cause him damage, they shall bear joint liability. 两人以上共同侵权造成他损害的,应当承担共同责任。 5. Ignorance of fact excuses. 不知情可作为免责的理由。 6. The amount of damages is governed by the seriousness of the injuries suffered. 损失赔偿金取决于所遭损失的严重程度。 7. The customer is liable for breakages. 顾客对破损承担法律责任。 8. They are jointly and severally liable. 他们应承担共同和连带责任。 9. Will the new law free owners from responsibility to their tenants? 新法将免除所有人对承租人承担的责任吗? 10.What are the grounds for the claim for damages? 提出损害赔偿金要求的根据是什么?
五十四、赠与(Gift) 1. A donation of $1 million has been presented to the sufferers by a wealthy lady. 一个有钱的太太向受难者捐赠了100美元。
2. A gift is a present transfer of property by one person to another without any consideration or compensation. 赠与是一方不考虑任何对价或补偿而现实的转移财产所有权予另一方。 3. A gift to "my child" that does not set out the children's name is a class gift. 不具体写明子女姓名,只写出赠与"我的子女"之赠与是概括赠与。 4. Capacity of donor is one of the essential requisites of "gift". 赠与人的行为能力是"赠与"的一个重要前提。 5. In the case of a gift the thing itself passes to the donee. 就赠与而言,赠物本身要交付给受赠人。 6. Only a complete gift is taxable under the gift tax. 根据赠与税规定,只有完全赠与才应纳税。 7. Payment of gift tax is the obligation of the donor,not the recipient. 交纳赠与税的义务在赠与人而非受赠人。 8. The gift is subject to the federal unified transfer tax. 该赠与应交纳联邦统一转让税。 9. The gift must be made with a view to the donor's present illness or peril. 该赠与必须是在赠与人目前生病或遇到危险时作出。 10. The gift was made subject to certain conditions imposed on the recipient. 此赠与附有受赠人必须遵守的某些条件。
五十五、债务(Debt) 1. A debtor is a person or an entity that is the subject of a bankruptcy action. 破产债务人是指作为破产诉讼主体的一个人或一实体。 2. He is primarily liable for his debts. 他对债务负有主要责任。 3. He was imprisoned for debt. 他因债务而入狱。 4. If no payment of the debt is made,the party may be sued. 如不偿俩,该当事人可能会被起诉。
5. The balance sheet shows the corporation's assets and liabilities. 资产负债表说明了公司的资产和债务情况。 6. The captain will not be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. 船长不得对船员所欠的任何债务负责。 7. The company collects debts for other companies for a commission. 该公司为其他公司讨债以收取佣金。 8. The company had to borrow heavily to repay its debts. 该公司只能大量供货以偿还债务。 9. The firm stopped trading with debts of over $1 million. 企业因负债100万美元而停止贸易。 10. The judgment debtor was given fourteen days in which to show cause why the charging order should not be made absolute. 给判定债务人14天的时间以证明债权人提出的扣押偿债令申请不能成立之理由。
五十六、招投标(Bidding) 1. A contractor bidding for a construction is required to prepare many bid documents. 参与建筑工程投标的承包商要准备许多投标文件。 2. All bids are kept secret until the winning bid is announced. 所有标书都予保密,直至宣布中标。 3. All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or bank guarantee of two per cent of total bid price. 所有投标文件必须连同占投标部份 2%的投标保证金或银行保函一起提交。 4. Each bid is submitted in writing and is referred to as a sealed bid. 第份标书都以局面形式提交,并被视为密封投标。 5. For the open bid ,bidders may revise their bids repeatedly. 对于开放式招标,投标者们可以反复修改自己的标书。 6. I regret to inform you that your tender was not acceptable. 我遗憾地通知贵方,你们的投标不能被接受。 7. The bidder withdrew his bid after submission of his bid. 投标者在投标之后撤销了投标书。 8. The company bid $5 million for the contract to build the bridge. 该公司以500万美元竞标大桥建设合同。 9. The firm decided to bid on the new subway. 该企业决定参加新地铁的竞标。 10. We decided to invite tender for the project. 我们决定为该工程招标。
五十七、证据(Evidence) 1. A confession made in court is of greater importance than all proof. 庭上招认,远胜诸证。 2. All the evidence points to arson. 所有证据表明是纵火。 3. At the trial, all witnesses are required to attend the court. 在审理过程中,所有证人都应到庭。 4. Discovery is the process of uncovering each party's documents to the other before a hearing starts. 证据开示是指审判之前各方将自己的书证披露给对方的一种程序。 5. He attempted to rebut the assertions made by the prosecution witness. 他试图反驳控方证人所作的断言。 6. His case was not helped by the evidence of the expert witness. 专家证人的证据没有给该案帮上忙。 7. Inadmissible hearsay evidence was expunged from the report. 从报告中删除不可采信的传闻证据。 8. Is there enough evidence to prosecute? 有没有起诉的足够证据? 9. Just because evidence is relevant does not mean that it is admissible. 证据仅仅具有关联性并不意味着它便具有可采性。 10. Most people are competent to give evidence. 多数人都有资格提供证据。
11. None of the aforementioned evidence shall serve as the basis of establishment of facts before it has been ascertained and verified. 上述证据必须查证属实,才能作为认定事实的根据。 12. Reliability of eyewitness evidence is never absolute. 目击证人的证据并非绝对可靠。 13. She was ruled a hostile witness by the judge. 她被法官裁定是敌意证人。 14. The chief method is to take depositions of parties and witnesses. 主要的方法是录取当事人和证人的宣誓证言。 15. The confession was not admitted in court, because the accused claimed it had been extorted. 因为声称逼供,故供认未被法庭采信。 16. The evidence of the wife conflicts with that of her husband. 妻子的证据与丈夫的相悖。 17. The new evidence changed the direction of the hearing. 新证据改变了审讯的方向。 18. The objection is sustained, and the witness will not answer the question. 反对有效,证人可不对问题做回答。 19. The onus of proof is on the plaintiff. 证明责任在于原告。 20. The people's court shall collect and examine evidence comprehensively and objectively. 人民法院应当全面,客观地搜集和调查证据。 21. The testimony of one witness is equivalent to the testimony of none. 一人作证等于无人作证。 22. The witness's evidence is a mass of contradictions. 证人的证据矛盾百出。 23. The witness's statement does not agree with that of the accused. 证人的陈述与被告不一致。
24. The witness was unable to provide corroboration of what he had told the police. 证人无法证实他对警方的陈述。 25. There can be no application of the parole evidence rule unless there is a written contract. 除非有局面合同,否则不得适用口头证据规则。 26. We are waiting for the judge to rule on the admissibility of the defense evidence. 我们在等待法官对被告方证据的可采性做出裁决。 27. Which evidence will prevail? 哪一样证据会被采信? 28. Witnesses are weighed, not numbered. 证据重质不重量。 29. Witnesses must testify in person and be subject to cross-examination. 证人必须亲自出庭凭证并接受双方讯问。 30. You have the right to remain silent, but anything you say can be used against you in the court. 你有权保持沉默但你所说的第句话都可能成为在法庭上不利于你的证据。
五十八、证券(Securities) 1. A security involutes some form of investment contract. 证券涉及某种形式的投资合同。 2. A security is the evidence of indebtedness or certificate of interest in a profit sharing contract. 证券是一个分享利润的合同的债权凭证或权益证明。 3. A stock subscription is an agreement to buy a specific number and kind of shares when they are issued by the corporation. 认购股票书是在公司发行股票时购买具体数额和种类的股票的协议。 4. His portfolio contains shares in the major steel companies. 他的投资组合包括在大钢铁公司的股票。 5. Securities differ from most other commodities in which people deal. 证券不同于人们所交易的多数商品。 6. Securities become a kind of currency, traded in the so-called “secondary market” at fluctuating price. 证券变成一种货币,在所谓的“第二市场”以波动价格予以交易。 7. Shares in the company are traded on the Stock Market. 该公司的股票在证券交易所进行交易。 8. The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information. 幕后交易所致的损害是对公司信息的披露之干扰。 9. The securities markets are important national assets that must be preserved and strengthened. 证券市场 是重要的国家资产,必须予以保护和加强。 10. The value of a bond, note or other promise to pay depends on the financial condition of the promise. 债券、票据或其他支付允诺之价值取决于允诺人的经济状况。
五十九、知识产权(Intellectual property) 1. A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentive and a reward for a new invention. 专利权是政府对一项新发明授予的独立性权利,以给予发明鼓励和奖励。 2. Goods that must bear a registered trademark may not be marketed unless an application therefore has been approved. 规定必须使用注册商标的商品,未经核准注册的,不得在市场销售。 3. It is illegal to take copies of a copyright work. 复制受版权法保护的作品是违法的。 4. Selling deliberately a commodity whose registered trademark is falsely used may constitute a crime. 销售明知是假冒注册商标的商品可构成犯罪。 5. The court granted the plaintiff an injunction restraining the defendant from breaching copyright. 法院应原告申请签发禁令,制止被告侵犯版权。 6. The reproduction of copyright material without the permission of the copyright holder is banned by law. 未经版权所有人的许可复制受版权法律保护的资料是违法的。 7. The sale of pirated discs has been banned. 禁止出售盗版光碟。 8. To be patentable an invention must be novel, useful and non-obvious. 要获得专利,发明必须具备新颖性、实用性和非显易见性。 9. “Utility Model”means any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or their combination, of a product, which is fit for practical use. “实用新型”是指对产品的形状、结构或组合所提出的具有实用性的新技术方案。 10. Unauthorized use of the registered trademarks of others is illegal. 未经授权使用他人注册商标是违法的。
六十、仲裁(Arbitration) 1. An arbitration board was formed to hear and decide the dispute according to the rules of arbitration. 成立了一个仲裁委员会以按照仲裁规则审理和裁决该争端。 2. Any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be determined by arbitration. 凡因本合同而产生的或与本合同相关的争议或分歧均应通过仲裁予以解决。 3. Any issue of public policy is outside the scope of arbitration. 任何公共政策问题都不在仲裁范围之内。 4. Arbitration can sometimes be cheaper and quicker than litigation. 仲裁有时会比诉讼要省钱和省时。 5. An Arbitrator is a neutral person who resolves disputes between parties. 仲裁员是解决双方当事人争议的持中立态度的人。 6. The arbitrator issued a final decision regarding the meaning of the contractual terms. 仲裁员签发了有关合同条款含义的最后裁决。
7. The arbitrator's award was set aside appeal. 上诉时仲裁决变为无效。 8. The clause provides that the parties will submit any dispute to arbitration rather than litigation. 条款规定双方当事人之间的任何争端应提交仲裁而非进行诉讼。 9. They agreed to arbitrate their dispute. 他们同意经仲裁解决争端。 10. When the parties cannot agree on contractual terms, an arbitrator decides. 当双方当事人无法就合同条款达成协议,则由仲裁员进行裁定。
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