律师按小时收费合同 Attorney Fee Letter – Contract 律师收费合同 1. Agreement made December 7, 2004, between BMI Inc., currently located at 567 Puppy Ave., Home City, Texas 65731, U.S.A., hereinafter referred to as “CLIENT,” and the Law Offices of Zhang, Wang & Lee, herein referred to as “ATTORNEYS.” BMI 公司,目前位于美国德克萨斯州Home 城Puppy 大街567 号,邮编:65731,以下称为“委托人”, 张王李律师事务所,以下称为“代理人”,于2004 年12 月7 日协议如下: 2. CLIENT employs ATTORNEYS to represent CLIENT regarding the defenses, claims and causes of action CLIENT may have against Jinxin Industrial Group. The services that CLIENT employs ATTORNEYS to perform include but are not limited to: to represent the CLIENT in any claim, cause of action or defense that CLIENT may have against Jinxin, relative to Jinxin’s breach of a joint venture contract with CLIENT. 委托人聘用代理人处理对金鑫工业集团的相关诉讼请求和抗辩。委托人聘用代理人提供如下法律服务, 但并不仅限于此:因金鑫工业集团违反与委托人的合资合同所产生的所有法律纠纷。 3. Upon execution of this contract, CLIENT shall be obligated to pay Fifty Thousand U.S. Dollars ($50,000) to ATTORNEYS as a retainer fee. ATTORNEYS and CLIENT agree that no attorney-client relationship shall exist until ATTORNEYS have been paid the initial retainer fee. The fees for ATTORNEYS’ services shall be charged against said retainer. CLIENT shall replenish said retainer immediately upon its depletion. Said retainer fee shall be billed against an hourly rate of: Partners – USD $250.00 per hour; Associates – USD $190 per hour; Paralegal – USD $50 per hour; and Law Clerks – USD $40 per hour. 本合同一旦签署,委托人应向代理人支付50,000 美元作为律师服务费的保证金。代理人和委托人同意, 委托人和代理人之间的法律代理关系于首付保证金之时起成立。代理人的律师服务费应从保证金中扣 缴,保证金一旦用尽委托人将及时充值。代理人按照小时计费:合伙人—250 美金/小时;律师—190 美金/小时;法律助理:50 美金/小时;律所职员:40 美金/小时。 4. ATTORNEYS shall send to CLIENT periodic statements for fees and costs incurred. CLIENT shall pay ATTORNEYS’ statements within 30 days after each statement’s date. Upon the CLIENT’S request, ATTORNEYS will provide a statement within 10 days. 代理人应该定期向委托人提供案件的费用情况。在每次提供费用支出结算单30 日内,委托人应向代理 人付款。一经委托人要求,代理人应于10 日内提供费用支出明细单。 5. CLIENT will pay all legal costs and expenses relating to this case, including filing fees, fees of service, fees for expert witnesses, investigation expenses and expenses of discovery proceedings. If ATTORENYS advance on CLIENT’S behalf any or all of these costs or expenses, CLIENT agrees to reimburse ATTORNEYS for such advancements.
委托人须支付所有与案件相关的费用,包括诉讼费、送达费、聘请专家证人费、调查费和证据开示程 序费用。如果代理人替委托人预付了部分或全部上述费用,委托人同意偿还代理人的垫付费用。 6. CLIENT agrees to keep ATTORNEYS advised of CLIENT’S whereabouts at all times and CLIENT agrees to cooperate in the preparation and trial of the case, to appear on notice for depositions and court appearances and to comply with all reasonable requests made by ATTORNEYS in connection with the preparation and presentation of CLIENT’S case, and to be honest and truthful in all matters with the ATTORNEYS. 委托人承诺随时告知代理人其行踪,在案件准备和庭审期间参与合作,接到庭外质证和庭审通知后准 时到场,在案件的准备和庭审过程中遵循代理人提出的所有合理要求,并保证对代理人坦诚相待和据 实告知。 7. COST AND EXPENSES. In addition to paying legal fees, CLIENT shall reimburse ATTORNEYS for all costs and expenses incurred by ATTORNEYS, including, but not limited to, fees fixed by law or assessed by courts or other agencies, court reporter’s fees, long distance telephone calls, messenger and other delivery fees, postage, in-office photocopying at USD $0.10 per page, parking, mileage at USD $1.00 per kilometer, investigation expenses, consultants’ fees, expert witness fees and other similar items. CLIENT authorizes ATTORNEYS to incur all reasonable costs and to hire any consultants or expert witnesses reasonably necessary in ATTORNEYS’ judgment. CLIENT hereby authorizes ATTORNEYS to incur all reasonable costs and expenses necessary in ATTORNEYS’ judgment. 费用。除了支付律师费外,委托人应该偿付代理人支付的所有其它费用,包括但不限于:由法定收费 或由法庭或其政府机构评估认定的费用、书记誊写员费、长途电话费、递送费用、邮递费、办公室影 印费0.10 美金/页、停车费、里程费1.00 美金/公里、调查费、顾问费、专家证人费和其它类似费用。 委托人授权代理人有权自主决定花费合理费用并于必要时聘请顾问和专家证人。委托人据此授权代理 人支付所有代理人认为合理的费用。 8. DISCHARGE AND WITHDRAWAL. CLIENT may discharge ATTORNEYS at any time. ATTORNEYS may withdraw without CLIENT’S consent or for good cause. Good cause includes CLIENT’S breach of this Contract, CLIENT’S refusal to cooperate with ATTORNEYS or to follow ATTORNEYS’ advice on a material matter or any other fact or circumstance that would render ATTORNEYS’ continuing representation unlawful or unethical. 解聘和辞聘。委托人可以随时解聘代理人。代理人可以不经委托人的同意或者据合理原因而退出代理。 合理原因包括委托人违约,委托人拒绝与代理人合作或不遵循代理人就重大问题所作的建议,致使代 理人的继续代理行为将违背职业操守或成违法行为。 9. CONCLUSION OF SERVICES. When ATTORNEYS’ services conclude, all unpaid charges shall become immediately due and payable. After ATTORNEYS’ services conclude, ATTORNEYS will, upon CLIENT’S request, deliver CLIENT’S file, along with any CLIENT funds or property in ATTORNEYS’ possession. If no such request is made by CLIENT, ATTORNEYS may dispose of CLIENT’S file as and when
they think best. 代理终结。当代理人完成代理服务时,委托人应当立即支付所有结余费用。代理人法律服务终结后, 一经委托人要求,代理人应交付委托人的所有文件资料和托管财物。如委托人并未提出此项要求,代 理人可以在其认为最恰当的时候处理上述物件。 10. DISCLAIMER OF GUARANTEE. Nothing in this Contract and nothing in ATTORNEYS’ statements to CLIENT will be construed as a promise or guarantee about the outcome of CLIENT’S matter. ATTORNEYS make no such promises or guarantees. ATTORNEYS’ comments about the outcome of CLIENT’S matter are expressions of opinion only. 免责条款。不得将合同中的内容以及代理人向委托人所做的陈述解释为代理人对案件结果已做出任 何承诺或保证。代理人并未做出任何这样的承诺或保证。代理人对委托人案件结果的评论仅属个人观 点。 11. In case an appeal should need to be perfected in this case, the amount of the legal fees for such an appeal shall be subject to re-negotiation. 本案如需上诉,上诉费用应重新协商。 Dated: December 7, 2004. _________________________________ ______________________________ for Zhang, Wang & Lee, L.L.P. for BMI Inc. of USA NOTE: THIS IS YOUR CONTRACT AND IS DISIGNED TO PREVENT MISUNDERSTANDING. IF IT DOES NOT CONTAIN A COMPLETE STATEMENT OF THE AGREEMENT WE DISCUSSED, PLEASE TELL US. 备注:为防止出现分歧,此为我们达成的全部合同,如果该合同没能涵括所有商定的内容,请告知。
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