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作者:石家庄国际贸易律师编辑   出处:法律顾问网·涉外www.flguwen.com     时间:2010/8/31 13:27:00

第一章  总则
    第一条  根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》,中国________公司(以下简称甲方)与________国________公司(以下简称乙方)于________年______月________日在中国________签订的建立合资经营________有限责任公司合同(以下简称合营公司),特制订本公司章程。
    1.These Articles of Association and by-laws are made under the Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Business Act of the People's Republic of China and the Contract of Joint Establishment of ________Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter called JOINT VENTURE)made on(date)in(place)between ________Company of China(hereinafter called Party A)and ________company of ________country(hereinafter called Party B).
    第二条  合营公司名称为________有限责任公司。
    2.JOINT VENTURE is named ________Company,Ltd.
    The English name of it is:________
    Its address for service of process is:________
    第三条  甲、乙双方的名称、法定的地址为:
    3.The names and addresses for service of process:
    Party A:
    Party B:
    第四条  合营公司为有限责任公司。
    4.JOINT VENTURE is a company limited by liabilities.
    第五条  合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护。其一切活动必须遵守中国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。
    5.JOINT VENTURE is a Chinese corporation and is protected by and subject to the laws thereof.Any and all activitiesof JOINT VENTURE shall be carried out within the ambit of the laws,acts and relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China.
第二章  宗旨、经营范围
    第六条  合营公司宗旨为:使用______先进技术,生产和销售______产品,达到______水平,获取甲乙双方满意的经济利益。(注:每个合营企业都可以根据自己的特点写。)
    6.The intentions of JOINT VENTURE are:Making use of ________advanced technology,producing and selling________,products,attaining ________level,gaining the economic advantage expected by the Parties herein.
    第七条  合营公司经营范围为:设计、制造和销售________产品以及对销售后的________产品进行维修服务。
    7.The scope of business of JOINT VENTURE is:Designing,manufacturing and selling ________products and rendering after-sale repair service for ________goods.
    第八条  合营公司生产规模为:
    8.Production Scale of JOINT VENTURE is:
    ________per year
    ________per year
    ________per year
    第九条  合营公司向国内、外市场销售其产品,其销售比例如下:
    9.JOINT VENTURE sells its manufactures both in domestic and foreign markets.Ratios are as follows:
    In the year of 20________:Exports accounting for________%;
    Domestic sales accounting for________%.
    In the year of 20________:Exports accounting for________%;
    Domestic sales accounting for________%.
第三章  投资总额和注册资本
    第十条  合营公司的投资总额为人民币________元。
    10.Total amount of investment of JOINT VENTURE:¥________RMB.
    Registered capital of JOINT VENTURE:¥________RMB.
    第十一条  甲、乙方出资如下:
    11.Investment ratios of the parties:
    Party A:Subscription of investment:¥________RMB,accounting for ________% of the registered capital.
    Including:Cash ¥________RMB;
    Mechanical equipment ¥________RMB;
    Factory buildings ¥________RMB;
    Title to land ¥________RMB;
    Industrial Property ¥________RMB;
    Others ¥________RMB.
    Party B:Subscription of investment:¥________RMB,accounting for ________% of the registered capital.
    Including:Cash ¥________RMB;
    Mechanical equipment ¥________RMB;
    Industrial property ¥________RMB;
    Others ¥________RMB.
    第十二条  甲、乙方应按合同规定的期限缴清各自出资额。
    12.Both parties shall fully pay the subscribed quotas respectively within the time limited in the contract.
    第十三条  甲、乙方缴付出资额后,经合营公司聘请在中国注册的会计师验资,出具验资报告后,由合营公司据此发给出资证明书。出资证明书主要内容是:合营公司名称、成立日期、合营者名称及出资额、出资日期,发给出资证明书日期等。
    13.After the subscribed capital is fully paid by the parties and is examined and checked and an examination report is presented by a Chinese certified public accountant employed by JOINT VENTURE,JOINT VENTURE shall issue the subscription certificate the main contents of which are:name of JOINT VENTURE,date of establishment,names of the parties to the Venture and subscribed quotas of each,date of subscription,date of issuance of this certificate,etc.
    第十四条  合营期内,合营公司不得减少注册资本数额。
    14.During the cooperation,JOINT VENTURE shall not in any wise reduce the registered capital.
    第十五条  任何一方转让其出资额,不论全部或部分,都须经另一方同意。一方转让时,另一方有优先购买权。
    15.Where one party transfers any or all parts of its shares,the transfer shall be consented by the non-transferring party and the non-transferring party shall nave priority in purchasing the Shares in transfer.
    第十六条  合营合同注册资本的增加、转让,应由董事会一致通过后,并报原审批机构批准,向原登记机构办理变更登记手续。
    16.Any increase or assignment of the registered capital of JOINT VENTURE shall be unanimously agreed by the Board of Directors,approved by the original ratifying agency and reregistered at the original registry office.
第四章  董事会
    第十七条  合营公司设董事会,董事会是合营公司的最高权力机构。
    17.A Board of Directors is established for JOINT VENTURE which represents the supreme authority thereof.
    第十八条  董事会决定合营公司的一切重大事宜,其职权主要如下:
    18.All material matters of JOINT VENTURE shall be settled by the Board of Directors the authority of which covers:
    *  Examining and ratifying important reports presented by the General President,Such as projects of production,annual business reports,capital,loan,etc.
    *  Ratifying annual financial statements,budget in balance,annual profits dividing plan;
    *  Ratifying material rules and regulations of JOINT VENTURE;
    *  Approving the establishment of branches;
    *  Modifying the regulations of JOINT VENTURE;
    *  Discussing and deciding the cessation of business and termination of JOINT VENTURE or its consolidation with any other economic organization;
    *  Taking responsibility to the liquidation of JOINT VENTURE where it is terminated or the performance thereof is expired;
    *  Other material matters within the authority of Board of Directors.
    第十九条  董事会由______名董事组成,其中甲方委派______名,乙方委派______名。董事任期为四年,可以连任。
    19.The Board of Directors is composed of ______directors,while ______are appointed by Party A and _______are appointed by Party B.Directors are appointed for four years and are eligible for re-election.
    第二十条  董事会董事长由甲、乙双方协商确定或由董事会选举产生。
    20.The Chairman of the Board may be chosen by Party A and Party B by agreement or elected at the general meeting of the Board of Directors.
    第二十一条  甲、乙方在委派和更换董事人选时,应书面通知董事会。
    21.Where appointing or changing the Chairman of Board,Party A and Party B shall inform the Board of Directors by a written notice.
    第二十二条  董事会例会每年召开________次。经三分之一以上的董事提议,可以召开董事临时会议。
    22.The Board of Directors meets ________time(s)each year and extraordinary meetings may be held upon the requisition of more than one third (1/3)of the directors.
    第二十三条  董事会会议原则上在公司所在地举行。
    23.The directors'meeting shall be held in principle at the locale of JOINT VENTURE.
    第二十四条  董事会会议由董事长召集并主持,董事长缺席时由副董事长召集并主持。
    24.The Chairman of the Board shall preside over the directors'meeting,in case that he/she is in default,the Vice Chairman shall convene and preside over the meeting on behalf.
    第二十五条  董事长应在董事会开会前三十天书面通知各董事,写明会议内容、时间和地点。
    25.The Chairman of the Board shall inform the directors of the meeting upon thirty days written notice wherein the business to be transacted,date and time and place shall be included.
    第二十六条  董事因故不能出席董事会会议,可以书面委托代理人出席董事会。如临时未出席也未委托他人出席,作为弃权。
    26.Any director may attend the directors'meeting by proxy with a written instrument of proxy where he/she happens not to be able to attend the meeting in person for any reason.In case that he/she fails to be present at the meeting in personal or by proxy,the absentee shall be deemed to have waived his/her right.
    第二十七条  出席董事会会议的法定人数为全体董事的三分之二,不够三分之二人数时,通过的决议无效。
    27.A quorum at the general meeting shall be at least two thirds of all the directors,no resolution shall be valid if such a quorum is not present when the business is transacted.
    第二十八条  董事会每次会议,须作详细的书面记录,并由全体出席董事签字,代理人出席时,由代理人签字。记录文字使用中文和________文。该记录由公司存档。
    28.Detailed minutes shall be made for each general meeting and directors present at the meeting shall set their hands thereunto,in case of any person present by proxy,the representative shall set hand thereunto.
    第二十九条  下列事项须董事会一致通过。
    29.The following businesses shall be ratified by a unanimous resolution of the Board.
    第三十条  下列事项须董事会三分之二以上董事或过半数董事通过。
    30.Business as follows shall be approved by overwhelming majority or simple majority of the directors.
第五章  经营管理机构
    第三十一条  合营公司设经营管理机构,下设生产、技术、销售、财务、行政等部门。
    31.The administration of JOINT VENTURE is composed of such departments as production,technology,sales,finance,executive management,etc.
    第三十二条  合营公司设总经理一人,副总经理______人,正、副总经理由董事会聘请。
    32.For JOINT VENTURE there is one President and ______Vice President(s),all(Or both)of whom shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
    第三十三条  总经理直接对董事会负责,执行董事会的各项决定,组织领导合营公司的日常生产、技术和经营管理工作。副总经理协助总经理工作,当总经理不在时,代理行使总经理的职责。
    33.The President is directly responsible for the Board of Directors,he/she shall execute all resolutions of the Board and organize and head the routine work of production,technology and management of JOINT VENTURE.The Vice President(s)shall assist the President with his/her work,in case the President is in default,the Vice President(s)shall act on behalf of the absentee.
    第三十四条  合营公司日常工作中重要问题的决定,应由总经理和副总经理联合签署方能生效。需要联合签署的事项,由董事会具体规定。
    34.No resolution in respect of main issues of the routine work of JOINT VENTURE shall be valid unless it is cosigned by the President and Vice president(s).The business subject to cosignature shall be specified by the Board of Directors.
    第三十五条  总经理,副总经理的任期为______年。经董会聘请,可以连任。
    35.The President and Vice President(s)are appointed for a term of ______years and are eligible for renewal of their termsof office.
    第三十六条  董事长或副董事长、董事经董事会聘请,可兼任合营公司总经理、副总经理及其他高级职员。
    36.The Chairman of the Board of Directors,and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors or directors may,upon appointment of the Board of Directors,concurrently hold the position of President,Vice President or other officers in JOINT VENTURE.
    第三十七条  总经理、副总经理不得兼任其他经济组织的总经理或副总经理、不得参与其他经济组织对本合营公司的商业竞争行为。
    37.The President or Vice President(s)shall not concurrently hold the office of President or Vice President(s)of other economic entities or in any wise compete for other business against JOINT VENTURE.
    第三十八条  合营公司设总工程师、总会计师和审计师各一人,由董事会聘请。
    38.There shall be one General Engineer,one General accountant and one Auditor in JOINT VENTURE who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
    第三十九条  总工程师、总会计师、审计师由总经理领导。
    39.The general engineer,general accountant and auditor are headed by the President.
    The general accountant is in charge of the accounts of JOINT VENTURE,heads JOINT VENTURE to do all financial check work,and ensures the economic-contract-system to run smoothly.
    The auditor is responsible for the auditingof JOINT VENTURE,inspects and examines the receipt and payment and accounting books of JOINT VENTURE,and deposits reports thereof with the Board of Directors.
    第四十条  总经理、副总经理、总工程师、总会计师、审计师和其他高级职员请求辞职时,应提前向董事会提出书面报告。
    40.In the event the President,the Vice-President,general engineer,general accountant,auditor or other officer asks for resignation,an advance written application in respect thereof shall be deposited with the Board of Directors.
    Where the officers aforesaid should engage in malpractice for selfish ends or severely neglect their duties,they may at any time be removed from their posts by resolution of the Board of Directors.Those who violate criminal laws shall be imposed under by criminal penalties.
第六章  财务会计
    第四十一条  合营公司的财务会计按照中华人民共和国财政部制定的中外合资经营企业财务会计制度规定办理。
    41.The financial affairs and accounts of JOINT VENTURE are subject to the financial and accounting rules and regulations for Sino-Foreign joint ventures made by the Finance Ministry of the People's Republic of China.
    第四十二条  合营公司会计年度采用日历年制,自一月一日起至十二月三十一日止为一个会计年度。
    42.The fiscal years of JOINT VENTURE shall follow the solar calendar each of which begins on January the first and ends on December the thirty first.
    第四十三条  合营公司的一切凭证、账簿、报表,用中文写。
    43.All vouchers,account books and statements of JOINT VENTURE shall be made in Chinese.
    第四十四条  合营公司采用人民币为记账本位币。人民币同其他货币折算,按实际发生之日中华人民共和国国家外汇管理局公布汇价计算。
    44.JOINT VENTURE has its accounts denominated in Renminbi.Where Renminbi is converted to other currencies,the conversion coefficient shall follow the exchange rate published by the State Exchange Administration on the day Whereon the conversion occurs.
    第四十五条  合营公司在中国银行或中国银行同意的其他银行开立人民币及外币账户。
    45.JOINT VENTURE shall open accounts of Renminbi or foreign currencies in the China Bank or the banks agreed upon by the China Ban.
    第四十六条  合营公司采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记账法记账。
    46.The accounting of JOINT VENTURE shall be subject to the International Uniform Regime of Rights and Liabilities and the International Uniform Accounting System of Debt and Credit.
    第四十七条  合营公司财务会计账册上应记载如下内容:
    47.Such items as hereinafter provided shall enter into the account books of JOINT VENTURE:
    A)All cash income and expenditures of JOINT VENTURE;
    B)All goods and materials purchased or sold;
    C)The registered capital and indebtedness of JOINT VENTURE;
    D)Date of the payment,increase or transfer of the registered capital of JOINT VENTURE.
    第四十八条  合营公司财务部门应在每一个会计年度头三个月编制上一个会计年度的资产负债表和损益计算书,经审计师审核签字后,提交董事会会议通过。
    48.Within the first three months of each fiscal year,a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement shall be made by the finance department of JOINT VENTURE and,having been examined and signed by the Auditor,admitted to be ratified at the meeting of Board of Directors.
    第四十九条  合营各方有权自费聘请审计师查阅合营公司账簿。查阅时,合营公司应提供方便。
    49.Each party of JOINT VENTURE is entitled to employ an auditor/auditors to examine the accounts of JOINT VENTURE,where this occurs,JOINT VENTURE shall make things convenient for such examinations.
    第五十条  合营公司按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业税法施行细则》的规定,由董事会决定其固定资产的折旧年限。
    50.The term of depreciation of fixed assets of JOINT VENTURE shall be decided by the Board of Directors pursuant to the Implementary Provisions of the Tax Act of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures of the People's Republic of China.
    第五十一条  合营公司的一切外汇事宜,按照《中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例》和有关规定以及合营合同的规定办理。
    51.All affairs pertaining to the foreign exchange of JOINT VENTURE shall be arranged under the Provisional Regulations in Respect of the Administration of Foreign Exchange of the People's Republic of China and other provisions and rules concerned and the regulations of the JOINT VENTURE contract.
第七章  利润分配
    第五十二条  合营公司从缴纳所得税后的利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金、职工奖励及福利基金。提取的比例由董事会确定。
    52.JOINT VENTURE shall,after paying income tax,set aside out of the profits remaining such a sum or sums as it thinks proper for the reserve fund,the enterprise development fund and the welfare and employee-award fund,the rate of which shall be assumed by the Board of Directors.
    第五十三条  合营公司依法缴纳所得税和提取各项基金后的利润,按照甲、乙方在注册资本中的出资比例进行分配。
    53.The profits of JOINT VENTURE shall,after income tax is paid and all funds accumulated,be distributed by Party A and Party B in accordance with their shares in the registered capital respectively.
    第五十四条  合营公司每年分配利润一次。每个会计年度后三个月内颁布利润分配方案及各方应分配的利润额。
    54.JOINT VENTURE distributes its profits once every year.The Profits Distribution Plan and the proportion each party will share shall be published within three months after each fiscal year.
    第五十五条  合营公司上一个会计年度亏损未弥补前不得分配利润。上一个会计年度未分配的利润,可并入本会计年度利润分配。
    55.No profits shall be distributed unless the loss of the last fiscal year has been recouped.The profits of the last fiscal year,if not distributed,may be divided with the profits of this year.
第八章  职工
    第五十六条  合营公司职工的招收、招聘、辞退、辞职、工资、福利、劳动保险、劳动保护、劳动纪律等事宜,按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定》及其实施办法办理。
    56.The affairs in respect of the recruitment,employment,dismissal,resignation,wage,welfare,labor insurance,labor protection,labor disciplines,etc.of the employees of JOINT VENTURE shall be subject to the Provisions of Labor Management of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures of the People's Republic of China and the enforcement regulations thereof.
    第五十七条  合营公司所需要的职工,可以由当地劳动部门推荐,或者经劳动部门同意后,由合营公司公开招收,但一律通过考试,择优录用。
    57.The employees of JOINT VENTURE may be recruited on the recommendation or by the approval of the local labor department,they are,however,all subject to an examination and the enrollment shall be on the basis of competitive selection.
    第五十八条  合营公司有权对违犯合营公司的规章制度和劳动纪律的职工,给予警告、记过、降薪的处分,情节严重,可予以开除。开除职工须报当地劳动人事部门备案。
    58.JOINT VENTURE is entitled to give a disciplinary warning to,record a demerit or reduce wages of any employee who violates the rules and regulations or labor disciplines of JOINT VENTURE,if the case is serious,such an employee may be dismissed.Where any employee is dismissed,the case shall be reported to the local labor department for the record.
    第五十九条  职工的工资待遇,参照中国有关规定,根据合营公司具体情况,由董事会确定,并在劳动合同中具体规定。
    59.The treatment and wages of the employees shall be decided by the resolutions of the Board of Directors pursuant to relevant provisions of China and according to the specific circumstances of JOINT VENTURE and shall be specified in the labor agreement.
    JOINT VENTURE shall duly raise the wages of the employees taking account of the development of production and the improvement of employees'professional ability and technical skills.
    第六十条  职工的福利、奖金、劳动保护和劳动保险等事宜,合营公司将分别在各项制度中加以规定,确保职工在正常条件下从事生产和工作。
    60.The issues in respect of the welfare,premium,labor protection,labor insurance,etc shall be covered in the regulations by JOINT VENTURE so as to ensure that the employees work in normal circumstances.
第九章  工会组织
    第六十一条  合营公司职工有权按照《中华人民共和国工会法》的规定,建立工会组织,开展工会活动。
    61.The employees in JOINT VENTURE are entitled to establish a trade union to carry out activities under the provisions of the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China.
    第六十二条  合营公司工会是职工利益的代表,它的任务是:依法维护职工的民主权力和物质利益;协助合营公司安排和合理使用福利、奖励基金;组织职工学习政治、业务、科学、技术知识,开展文艺、体育活动;教育职工遵守劳动纪律,努力完成合营公司的各项经济任务。
    62.The trade union in JOINT VENTURE is for the benefit of the employees,the task thereof is:retaining democracy and securing material benefits for the employees,assisting JOINT VENTURE to arrange and properly make use of the funds in respect of welfare or awards,organizing employees to gather political,professional,scientific or technical knowledge and carry out literary,artistic and physical activities,educating employees to observe labor disciplines and accomplish all economic tasks assigned by JOINT VENTURE.
    第六十三条  合营公司工会代表职工和合营公司签订劳动合同,并监督合同的执行。
    63.The trade union in JOINT VENTURE shall,on behalf of the employees,sign labor contracts with JOINT VENTURE and supervise the execution thereof.
    第六十四条  合营公司工会负责人有权列席有关讨论合营公司的发展规划、生产经营活动等问题的董事会会议,反映职工的意见和要求。
    64.The leader(s)of the trade union in JOINT VENTURE has/have the privilege of attending the meetings of the Board of Directors with regard to development projects,production,business,etc.as(a)non-voting delegate(s)to present suggestions and demands at meetings for the employees.
    第六十五条  合营公司工会参加调解职工和合营公司之间发生的争议。
    65.The trade union in JOINT VENTURE shall be involved in the mediation and conciliation of labor disputes.
    第六十六条  合营公司每月按合营公司职工实际工资总额的百分之二拨交工会经费。合营公司工会按照中华全国总工会制定的《工会经费管理办法》使用工会经费。
    66.JOINT VENTURE shall appropriate to the trade union funds every month at the rate of 2% of the actual wage footings this month of the employees of JOINT VENTURE.The trade union in JOINT VENTURE shall use this sum of money under Provisions of Management of Trade Union Funds by the State Trade Union of China.
第十章  期限、终止、清算
    第六十七条  合营期限为________年。自营业执照签发之日起计算。
    67.The term of JOINT VENTURE is________,beginning from the day Whereon the business license is issued.
    第六十八条  甲、乙方如一致同意延长合营期限,经董事会会议作出决议,应在合营期满前六个月向原审批机构提交书面申请,经批准后方能延长,并向原登记机构办理变更登记手续。
    68.Where both parties agree to extend the time of co-operation,the term of JOINT VENTURE may still not be extended unless by the resolution of the Board of Directors a written application is submitted to the original ratifying agency six months prior to the maturity of the co-operation agreement and is granted thereby.The registration shall be renewed at the original registry office.
    第六十九条  甲、乙方如一致认为终止合营符合各方最大利益时,可提前终止合营。合营公司提前终止合营,需董事会召开全体会议作出决定并报原审批机构批准。
    69.Where both parties agree that termination of JOINT VENTURE will best benefit each party respectively,they may cancel JOINT VENTURE before the date of expiration.JOINT VENTURE shall not be cancelled before the date of expiration unless a resolution thereabout made at the general meeting of Directors and then submitted to and approved by the original examining and approving agency.
    第七十条  发生下列情况之一时,甲、乙任何一方有权依法终止合营。
    70.Any party is entitled to terminate the co-operation where any case as follows occurs:
    第七十一条  合营期满或提前终止合营时,董事会应提出清算程序、原则和清算委员会人选,组成清算委员会,对合营公司财产进行清算。
    71.Where JOINT VENTURE is wound up or terminated before the date of expiration,the Board of Directors shall put forward the liquidation procedure and principles,nominate the candidates of the liquidation commission,and divide up the assets of JOINT VENTURE.
    第七十二条  清算委员会任务是对合营公司的财产、债权、债务进行全面清查,编制资产负债表和财产目录,制定清算方案,提请董事会通过后执行。
    72.The task of the liquidation commission is to examine and check the assets of JOINT VENTURE,investigate the liabilities and obligations thereof,work out the balance sheet and general inventory,draw up the liquidation program and remit it to the Board of Directors for adoption before it is carried out.
    第七十三条  清算期间,清算委员会代表公司起诉或应诉。
    73.While in liquidation,the liquidation commission shall,on behalf of JOINT VENTURE,act in any legal proceedings.
    第七十四条  清算费用和清算委员会成员的酬劳应从合营公司现存财产中优先支付。
    74.Priority shall be given to the payment of liquidation expenses and the rewards of the members of the liquidation commission,out of the existing assets of JOINT VENTURE.
    第七十五条  清算委员会对合营公司的债务全部清偿后所剩余的财产按甲、乙方在注册资本中的出资比例进行分配。
    75.The liquidation commission shall,after all the debts of JOINT VENTURE have been paid off,divide the remaining assets between Party A and Party B according to their shares in the investment capital respectively.
    第七十六条  清算结束后,合营公司应向审批机构提出报告,并向原登记机构办理注销登记手续,缴回营业执照,同时对外公告。
    76.JOINT VENTURE shall,where liquidation ends,report to the original approving agency,undergo de-registration procedures in the original registering office,hand in the business license for cancellation and make a public announcement.
    第七十七条  合营公司结业后,其各种账册,由甲方保存。
    77.All the account books shall,where JOINT VENTURE expires,be kept by Party A.
第十一章  规章制度
    第七十八条  合营公司董事会制定的规章制度有:
    78.The rules and regulations made by the Board of Directors of JOINT VENTURE include:
    A. Business administration regulations,including those in respect of the functions and powers of all sub-sectors and the work procedures;
    B. Employees regulations;
    C. Manpower and payment regulations;
    D. Employees'attendance,promotion,reward and punishment regulations;
    E. Employees'welfare regulations;
    F. Finance rules;
    G. Liquidation procedures where JOINT VENTURE dissolves;
    H. Other rules and regulations where necessary.
第十二章  附则
    第七十九条  本章程的修改,必须经董事会会议一致通过决议,并报原审批机构批准。
    79.Any modification of this Articles of Association shall be adopted by the Board of Directors by unanimous resolution and shall be reported to and ratified by the original approving agency.
    第八十条  本章程用中文和________文书写,两种文本具有同等效力。上述两种文本如有不符,以中文本为准。
    80.These Articles of Association are written in Chinese and the ______language,both texts are of the same effect,where any difference in meanings occurs with the two texts,the Chinese text shall be superior.
    第八十一条  本章程须中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部(或其委托的审批机构)批准才能生效。
    81.These Articles of Association will not take effect unless they are ratified by the Foreign Economic and Trade Department(or a delegated checking and approving agency thereof).
    第八十二条  本章程于20    年    月    日由甲、乙双方的授权代表在中国______签字。
    82.IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the authorized representatives of both the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands at________,China,on ______day of ______,20 ________.
    中国______公司代表          ______国________公司代表
    (签字)                   (签字)
    ______Corporation,China      ______Corporation,______
    BY(L.S.)                  BY(l.S.)
    Authorized Representative       Authorized Representative


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